I am a streamer, Face the Simple Truth; I deserved Beta, you didn't

The jealousy is radiating off of you.

Yea, i’d just be stuck here in this bar, making $15 an hour.

hushed voice

Transmog confirmed. Transmog in Classic.

I’m frickin’ kidding, guys, loosen up a bit.

How dare

I’m eating a roast beef Hawaiian sandwich right now and drinking a game fuel. I just wanted to share with you guys. Also have a salad and otis spunk chocolate muffin on the side.

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pretty much. not even good enough for burger flipping :rofl:

So many assumptions here.

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Worth it.

No, we will all have our clothes in bag to switch out of gear when not hunting monsters. Lol

lol I know. I was kidding.

And quoting Ythisens’ donation sound.

It’s amazing it hasn’t triggered any viewers yet, it’s like they all know it’s a joke. XD

I made Tuna helper and brown rice :neutral_face:

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That actually sounds kinda delicious!

It kinda is. had to add red pepper flakes tho

Damn it you just made me hungry for mini deep-dish pepperoni pizza from Red Baron.

No I’m not paid to say this. I wish I was.

I haven’t had tuna helper in years… hmm, meal ideas.

Wtf how do you get pizza from Tuna helper :rofl:

How do I get pizza from anything? I’m stumped.

garilc Naan+pizza sauce+Asiago cheese

Alright, wise guy, if that’s the way you wanna play it…

…I have no comeback. You win this round.

as it should be, trolls da masta mon.
I literally cook for a living i win every round lmao