I’m out until dinars/bullions become a thing

Heh, its along the lines of:

What is the dinar or bullion? Thanks.

Guess we will see you in 11.1

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It’s a token that allows you to buy any piece of the gear from the raid that you want. Like if you really need one item but can’t seem to get it, you’ll be able to just buy it from a vendor.

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Please explain how crying because you can’t get full BiS and every single drop you want isn’t being entitled? The game has always had rng for drops and BiS has never been required to do any content , merely for people to do a few percent more dmg than before.

Ever consider that people don’t want it to “matter”?
It’s so much easier to have fun just playing the game when it “doesn’t matter”.

Because if it matters, then you actually have to care about getting results.
And for many, that instantly turns tasks into a chore – and it stops being fun.
Throw in bad luck with drops on top of that, and it quickly turns to frustration.

When the game stops being fun, players should walk away from it.
If they’re frustrated… they probably should have left three months ago.

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You can always just play Season 4 whenever that is. And yes, in Season 4, many people do walk away because it stops being fun.

I really don’t understand people like you. You’re a classic wow enjoyer, aren’t you? You seem like the type. Anything to pp in someone’s cheerios.

In regards to renown I would say it took me like 4 weeks to max out my first rep. Idk how long it will take to max out the raid rep, maybe it will take longer. I’ll also take the last two weeks over zero weeks… Glass half full kind of mentality, you ought to try it.

I expect it’s just the same as current raid buff, so 1 renown a week. Just the track is laid out for you instead.

So you’d be getting your first one around now, ish?

You’re beyond delusional if you think shareholders will ever give a crap about loot acquisition.

And you seem like the type to pay to stop playing sooner lol

Just play the game

I’d be ok with that. Still no ansurek ring …

I’m personally ok with the deterministic option for filling missing slots. Just a bit less ok when it comes to getting loot rewards from content you haven’t actually done.

I don’t know why people are arguing against your idea. Once I feel I’m finished w a character gear wise, I’ll start working on alts. If gearing is frustrating, I’ll just quit.

That’s the last thing this game needs.

The problem is they want full BiS which isn’t needed or required to do any content , it only makes things easier.

If it keeps people playing, then why care?

Not trying to be snarky, but I’ve never cared about other people’s gear, how they got it, or why they wanted it.

Like I said it’s not needed to play , and adding in something like that may just hasten some people quiting until the next content patch since they have no need to keep playing.

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