[H]Zul'jin<Range Five> AOTC 5/10M - 10/10H SoD Mythic Roster recruiting Tues/Wed 7-10pmEST

Bump we kill things

We kill all the things. ALL OF THEM WITH FIYAHHHH!

Why is my name still Moosechicken on this thing?

cause thats your name

scotty has been bumped

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thanks ye chicken deer

Bump looking for more stilll

Who will be next. will it be bramble. time will tell

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Trying to get some new people for the fun times!

Still looking. We have spots for tues/wends

Still looking!

To the moon!

Hey my name on the forums finally changed

Still smells like a Moosechicken to me.

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Still looking for more.

I wonder if anyone can see this still

We’re vigilant!

Prot should be proud.

I am, only hope like we expect it too

Someone come in quick to get Xymox with us.