[H]Zul'jin<Range Five> AOTC 5/10M - 10/10H SoD Mythic Roster recruiting Tues/Wed 7-10pmEST

All the sleeps

Never enough time to sleep

de sleepss.

Why do we tell actors to “break a leg?”

Because every play has a cast.

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alright buddy your coming with me.

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I will give healthstones and water breathing for any trials to really give you an edge.

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whoa now, thats too much, they need to be able to breathe on their own first

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You’re asking a lot.

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I am, I am asking for mythic humans

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Woah now, there’s no humans around here.

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We are breathing meat popsicles

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yes, all popsicles


brain explodes

Oh noos. Everyone, it’s raid day

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Bump for more people

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we always need more

But if we get more I can’t snitch 2 flasks out of the cauldrons.

i take all the flasks

I saw Folty chug like 8 of them, he might have a problem.

i think so too