[H]Zul'jin<Range Five> AOTC 5/10M - 10/10H SoD Mythic Roster recruiting Tues/Wed 7-10pmEST

Dont think we do?

After a long weekend away I have returned to my post of making sure you all know that we still need players to kill bosses with us

Bump we need more bodies to kill things

to the top we go.

Time for council to die this week yeah?

Bump bite cough cough

Good luck in your chest everyone!

Hellooo! Are y’all still recruiting still perhaps? I’m looking for a mythic prog guild that I can grow and learn in. For some god awful reason my guild has quit prog at 3/10 M CN and I want more. cry

I’m an S Priest if you a looking for that.

We are looking for a spriest. What’s your btag. I can reach out to you

To the top

Trotta smells like fish sticks and pepperoni paninis.

Why is an elf the last one to post?

we dont question things

I question, literally all of the things.

It is Molly#12100

Feel free to contact me whenever about anything - thanks!

to the top.

Make it drop, thats a

Nobody bumparino, ;[ sadmagicboi

you can post twice i cant :frowning:

I think i can post twice