Hypothetical: Let's say WoW is shutting down

Hypothetically, they would have to create a stand alone off line version of wow where all are character data can exist on our local computers. so we could play inside our garrison… and use a peer to peer link over the internet to play with friends and i guess we will slowly wither away but it wouldn’t be as bad as loosing everything…

other than that, i guess get 100% more things done. get more sleep. maybe create those robots that are suppose to take over the world… in the spare time. contact aliens, invite them over for a party, miss communicate something so they invade thinking that is what we do for fun. and who could blame them. all those movies must be historical documentaries. oh and wake up Godzilla for fun i guess. idk. i guess you can accomplish a lot with a little extra free time. :thinking:

I think I would be the same. Well said

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I question why a few loud screechers about politics dictate wether or not the game stays open.

I question why classic would get an extra week.

Then i shrug and move on to the next game, prolly swtor, and go forward in life with the lesson blizzard tought me: if I stamp my feet hard enough, and screech loud enough i get my way.

My genuine thoughts are this what-if is stupid, and this would never happen.


I learned that a LONG time ago. If you look good enough, are charismatic enough, rich and connected enough or just the kind of person that is popular right now, all you have to do is stomp your feet and you get anything you want.

If you are none of the above, it doesn’t matter. You will never get anything unless you take it.

Sharpen my art pencils and put another chunk of wood on the lathe.

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I would personally be equal parts overly delighted and solemnly disappointed. I hate WoW just as much as I love it, but honestly I wish it would end.

I would be upset, I’ve played this game for years and I would go as far as counting playing wow as a hobby. Even when I took long breaks and wanted nothing to do with the game, I still knew it existed. So the game being completely gone would feel very strange and upsetting.

However, this scenario is inevitable regardless. Eventually wow will end and perhaps Blizzard will end as well. When that does happen, all people can do is move on.

I would never buy another Blizzard game again.

I would travel to Alaska and punch a duck.

Yeaaaahhh. What controversy would be big enough to shut them down? Anyway if Blizz were to stop active development they would just shift wow to f2p supported by microtransactions. Plenty would continue play the content that is still there

It’s a game for fun. Everything but the fun is wasted. No matter how long the game goes you’re wasting tons of time, unless having fun

I bet you are super fun at parties. The “I told you so person” who revels in the negative experiences of others.

I go to play fornite 2, its free and its fun

I want to preface my response by letting everyone know that I’m okay and I’m not in any danger.

That said, I would kill myself. Without WoW, I don’t want to live anymore.

There’s no punchline. I’m not joking.

I wouldn’t. I’d be dead.

Cap out my Bnet balance and then spread the rest of the gold to friends so they can do the same.

Then its done, and truly over. My time would not have been wasted since eventually the game will die anyways. I play to enjoy myself, if I no longer enjoy myself then I don’t play the game. I mean, our accounts, characters and such are not really ours in a sense. If Blizzard deleted the account, the characters, mounts, achievements, everything in the account is gone. If it was truly ours, no one would have any say when we stop playing.

With that said I would just go back to PlayStation and continue playing single player games and other games that my friends over there play. WoW is the only MMO I have come to like, and yes I tried ESO, and FFXIV, and both were not my cup of tea. Should something come later then I might try it, but in the end, all I have ever gained from playing WoW was friends, and my favorite thing of all, good memories.

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Wouldn’t be a big deal… I’d probably play a lot more paintball on the weekends and play some other video game :video_game: such as COD:MW which will release next week :grinning:

I would be upset over the sudden shutdown of Warcraft.
I would probably move to Final Fantasy XIV or Elder Scrolls Online.
Also If that were to happen I think BlizzCon would have to be canceled.

Once it was announced-- I’d delete everything and uninstall. No point in adding any further time investment.

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