I 'member ya.
yes! <3 Hope to see you there
I also met my husband on this server! We (well mainly I do) joke we met in MC, we have been married for 11 years now (holy crap!) Best wishes to the both of you!
Character: Adonshae
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Guild: Knights who say Ni, The Eternal, Dark Enterprise
I’ll be on Atiesh looking for all of the old people.
Hi Bag…
Gnome, Mage
Guild Amicus Alliance.
Hoping to reconnect with anyone from that guild. Making alliance characters on Mankrik.
If there is anyone from either HonorBound or Benevolent, or Malevolent… I got my main Thoronaur on Pagle and on Thalnos for PVP. I aloso put up Shiranova on Pagle
Hey ya friend! Hit me up in game come classic we have a few of the old eternal guys coming back
Character Name: Zio
Race: Gnome
Class: Rogue
Guild: Blood Rain Cavalry
Looking to connect with the former guild leader: (Motorhead) which i’m sure would connect me with the others. I tried a few years back and was informed they moved to a guild “Live to Win”. I was in a guild that consisted of a ton of French Canadian players and I was that wise guy Italian.
Character Name: Xarama
Race: Human
Class: Paladin, Lock
Just curious if I see any familiar faces. Will probably play very casually on atiesh for ally, pagle for horde.
I knew Fenix from highschool, and we were co-workers at Target. It sucks what happened to him. He was the friend that got me into WoW all those years ago. Do I know you as well? I played as Xarama back in Vanilla.
Characters Name: Nicolae
Race: Human
Class: Warrior
Name of Guild: Free Booters
Characters hoping to reconnect with: Looking to see if any of my old guild mates are still here. Would be cool to link up on a new server and get the gang back together doing 10 mans and casually raiding endgame stuff. Used to share an account with my brother Tilden and we traded off in raids all the time.
Characters Name: Savannah, Käi, Meliciana, Käila etc etc
Race: human, nelf, space goat
Class: Mage, shaman, Warrior, priest
Name of Guild: The Eternal, Regulators
Characters hoping to reconnect with: folk I know
Character: rollyy
Race: NE
Class: Druid
Guilds: Covenant of Elves,The Infinite & Relentless
hey its savannah made char on aetish
Was your name Disappoints then as well?
Lol, I met her doing a scholomance run. I told the group as a joke that I was looking for a rich girl to marry so that I could murder them and inherit all their money, and for some reason she was intrigued (we were both pretty young at the time around 15 years old) she lived in missouri and I am from Pennsylvania so we dated online a bit during high school, I broke up with her after about a year. We remained friends and talked for the next 10 years, until everything just clicked. I moved her to my city 3 years ago, proposed last year and we are getting married next year!
It’s interesting how many relationships were sparked in WoW, and especially in vanilla.
Thanks for the well wishes, and the same to you!
Maybe. I know we had a LAN at his house and it was really fun. I feel like it was twice. Once was BC launch? The other was Vanilla. I still talk to his brother, Travis. I actually saw his wife and kid like 2 weeks ago when I went down for a funeral.
It’s Noshku! Nelf hunter from way back in the day!
Hey! Shadow Sanctuary lmao. I played a rogue named Killingrogue.