Hydra Premades, Terran Empire & SAS hosting WPVP Event

On Saturday, July 31st at 4:00 PM CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Hydra Premades, Terran Empire & SAS are hosting a World PVP Event! Yes, Ruin Gaming and Cryptid’s League had their way with us on July 3rd but we are returning with FRIENDS! ALL HORDE GUILDS & COMMUNITIES ARE INVITED TO JOIN US IN RE-ENERGIZING HORDE FACTION PRIDE AND MOUNT A UNITED EFFORT AGAINST ALLIANC’ES MARAUDING TEAMS PLAGUING KORTHIA, THE MAW and any other place in Azeroth. IT’S PAY-BACK TIME! For more information contact Zeela-Thrall (Hydra), Cadigan (Terran Empire) or CINCO (SAS) to sign up and for information on where to gather. The exact location will not be publicized until we are a fully formed group and have summoned our troops to a neutral location to ready for deployment.

We believe Horde guilds and communities should ban together to combat Alliance’s Horde farms. Lok’tar O’gar! For the HORDE!


Have fun killing npcs while all of the rest of the streaming community is playing FFXIV and New World I guess.


Will there be a Tupperware Party at this event ?

Hope you guys have fun i sadly wont be able to make it since i’m moving that weekend

This will be great! cant wait to whoop some ally

Ave Hydra!

No less than 60 lowbie frags cleared the debit the past three weeks, so I’m expecting CL and Ruin to clean their act up this time around. Are we not merciful? Otherwise, my guild might start making lowbie ganking more of a good habit than a mere political statement. Just so they understand: if it’s anything like July 3rd(and I hope it won’t be), Aucanine shall return.

No but we will be handing out Alliance buttocks as key chains. Will that work?


And the theme song will be “Lag For Sale”.

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With how many horde are in this game why do you need to group up for an event? Just enable warmode and go to any zone. Congrats! You outnumber alliance by 10:1. Enjoy the farming.

Where’s the hype ? Why no sporadic, spur of the moment attacks to catch cities off guard ? Practice makes perfect.

With organization comes more participation. That’s why.

The goal is to try and dissuade alliance from attacking them, thence why they’re resorting to pulling out multiple different communities this time. Wouldn’t want a repeat of Cryptids video’ing everything. Then again CL probably doesn’t care and will be in New World, so there’s that.

Here’s the facts.
Red team has challenged blue team.
Blue team is playing green team in New World.
Green team is too busy to come back and play blue team because they’re the green team now which in turn is getting owned by the purple team in WPvP in New World.

Green team literally got owned last nigh in WPvP. Skill wins PvP in New World.

Uh what?


Don’t see you or any of your people in the leaderboards ? In the rear with the gear ?

We all know y’all are to cowardly to show up and counterattack today. You no longer have your rbg team members to carry you in war mode content much less epic bgs.
Don’t say I’m wrong. Explain in great detail why the rbg teams are gone ? Yeah, don’t play stupid. You know what I’m talking about.
I’m on the outside looking in on both factions laughing and stirring the pots. No such thing as tossing too much gasoline on the fire.
Come out and fight or cower behind New World.
I triple dog dare you

I’ll go fight for the Alliance since nobody else has the stones to do so.

There’s 53 Horde atm here in Stormwind and not a single Alliance guild to help

Probably because no one cares about defending cities that haven’t been relevant since Cata lol. And only 53 people? Pretty pathetic from people who claim to have the largest and most notorious community in Warcraft and a community that’s been no shows since Legion.

Also just an fyi, none of our RBG people came out to warmode fights. No need to. Most of you are undergeared as hell, killing you is like slicing a hot knife through butter.

Finally, the New World leaderboard only includes streamers that were selected by Amazon beforehand. We were asked by Towelliee to join them, and we have contributed where able.

Thanks to everyone who came out for the fun! Horde has completely taken over Stormwind, Goldshire & Ironforge. Lok’tar O’gar! All the Alliance are dead!