Huzzah! Rune of Power is gone!

I wonder how long it will be before we see posts demanding gold refunds for flying training :rofl:

My mage will be happy with this change, though I have admittedly avoided that ability for years even though the alternatives were considered subpar. It just wasn’t fun gameplay to me.

not really. we’ve been asking for them to remove it for years. it was a terrible spell to begin with. As someone said in another thread maybe this one is the reason they are probably removing it is because they want to add/currently have high mobility fights having RoP for said fights is a dps loss usually thus why we take the other option which is meh.

I actually didn’t mind Meteor for my Mage :frowning:

Hope they replace it with something equally as good…


Considering the community. And the devs.

I have a better chance of getting a royal flush on five card stud poker.

1/673,000. Around there.

I told myself that I wouldn’t cry.

Gah! Got a tear in my eye!

Please let my Water Elemental be a somewhat tanky and threat gathering pet so it’s useful to pick

We did it we got her OUT of here!

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