A few more hours until the reset. Let’s get a few more trials in for next weeks prog.
Last call before reset!
Reset is upon us! Here’s hoping some future trials had the vault gods smile upon them!
Still accepting a healer and some DPS for trial.
Still looking for a holy pally and a few DPS.
Still seeking an exceptional DK, and especially a solid venthyr holy pally!
Where are the holy pallies at?
Still LF H pal pls!!
Still looking for holy pally and a solid DK.
Still seeking an exceptional venthyr holy pally and a DK DPS.
Still accepting trials for a Venthyr H pally and an unholy DK.
Still recruiting!
Adding WW Monk to the list of DPS we are trialing.
Still seeking exceptional trials.
Need WW Monk and DK! Where are you, melee
Still trialing a few roles.
Looking to trial a healer and a few more melee. Let’s go!
Updated recruitment post. Still looking for more!
238 Blood/Unholy DK 7/10H with mythic raiding xp LF guild