[H][US][Illidan] <DMG> 10/11H - (US29) SoD LF Rogues/Warriors DPS

Need a Holy Paladin and Resto Shaman!

Need a Holy Paladin and Resto Shaman!

Need a Holy Paladin and Resto Shaman!

Need a Holy Paladin and Resto Shaman!

Need a Holy Paladin and Resto Shaman!

Need a Holy Paladin and Resto Shaman!

Could still use one solid holy paladin or resto shaman

Could still use one solid holy paladin or resto shaman!

Looking for a Disc Priest!

Looking for a Disc Priest!

Looking for a Disc Priest!

Looking for a Disc Priest!

Looking for a Disc Priest!

Looking for a Disc Priest!

10/10N, 5/10H Looking for a Disc and a warrior!

10/10N, 5/10H Looking for a Disc and a warrior!

10/10N, 5/10H Looking for a Disc and a warrior!

10/10N, 5/10H Looking for a Disc and a warrior!

10/10N, 8/10H Looking for Warrior/DK

10/10N, 8/10H Looking for Warrior/DK