[H][US][Bleeding Hollow] <Cozy> 3/10 M LF DPS and Heals

Cozy is a PvE focused guild what was founded halfway through the expansion by a group of people who were looking to create a guild that pushed end game content while maintaining a fun an laid back environment.

With the late start to the expansion we have already achieved 10/10 H and 3/10M.

Our raid nights are Tuesday & Thursday and we raid from 8:15-11:15 PM EST.

We are mainly looking for DPS and Heals who excel at playing their class well. We hope to make a final push in Castle Nathria and hope carry that momentum forward into Sanctum of Domination to make a push towards CE. We also have a large group of people who are really into M+ content with a lot of our core members already achieving KSM and trying to help other members with their KSM achievement.

If you are interesting or have any questions reach out to:





