[H][US] <nvm>

<sorry not looking for guilds anymore, can’t delete post>

Hey there. I will be reaching out via discord very shortly :smiley:

Just posting this so you can have a look at what/who we are while we chat.


Hey Komoi!

We are looking to add some RDPS for SLG prog, if your friend is interested in going Boomy more full time it may be a good fit. We do not have a spot for a Resto druid right now unfortunately. If you’re still interested here is our spam!

We are recruiting dps (melee and ranged) and a holy paladin for CE progression.

Fallen Empire is a 2-day 6-hour CE guild with a chill but serious atmosphere. Toxic people need not apply. We’re always interested in recruiting solid players, irrespective of what our current recruitment needs are - if you like the sound of us, hit me up.

Raids are Wed/Thurs 9PM-12AM EST
8/10 M - progging p3

Wowprogress: https ://www. wowprogress. com/guild/us/mal-ganis/Fallen+Empire
Application: https ://apply. wowaudit. com/us/malganis/fallen-empire/mythic-raid?preview

Contact GM Wek at:
Dr. Wek#1632 - discord
Slayna#1159 - bnet

Contact Healing Officer Livie at:
livie#4169 - discord
livie#11751 - bnet

Reformed of Stormrage is looking for excellent players to join us for keeping CE going through Shadowlands.

Current Progression: 7/10 M , AOTC, CE BFA

Raid days: Tue-Wed-Thurs(9-12 PM US Central, 10-1 AM US Eastern, 7-10 PM US Pacific).
Tuesdays are for clearing the re-kill Mythic /Heroic Bosses or Heroic re-clear.

Currently Recruiting (Preferences):

Boomkin, Ret Paladin, Warlock (Affliction Preferred), DPS Warrior, Fire Mage, Elemental or Enhanced Shaman.

We will always look at exceptional applicants in any class. If you think you would make an excellent addition to our team, don’t hesitate to make your case and get in touch with us, regardless of your experience, class, or role.

What we need from you:
-Commitment to raid attendance! This is a strong consideration! You MUST have > 90% attendance.
-Will and effort to improve at your class/role
-A good attitude and a show of respect to all members at all times
-Drive to earn Cutting Edge on a 3-day schedule

What we offer:
-Mature atmosphere and utmost respect for all members
-Collaborative, friendly, and focused raid team
-Experienced, knowledgeable leadership
-M+ runs on off-days

Add one of us in game if you have any questions.
SefiePoou#1164, Urgfelstorm#1332, Vaxum#1526