[H][US-Mal'ganis] <Emergence> Recruiting Healers, DPS for 8.3 and SL (8-11CST Tues/Wed/Sun*)

Upvote - the show must go on.

Join the party! Keys, raids and visions oh my!

Hopefully we didn’t scare you away by mentioning visions :confused:

Visions are the bread and butter to this patch! :stuck_out_tongue:

Guild is actually pretty dope. 5/5 yelp review. Newly leveled players, returning players like myself, and they want to make sure no one is left behind. Join us :slight_smile:

Amazing group we have already!

Yeet! Join us!

Show us what you goooootttttttt on July 14th :slight_smile:

446 Disc Priest. Just came back to the game after a long break, looking to get back into raiding.

472+ pally and priest. Both of us looking for a place to stay long term. Hit me up if interested.


New week, new affix’s, new you! Come join :smiley: Make some new friends for Shadowlands.