[H][US-Illidan] 237 Prot Paladin & 235 BM Hunter (10/10N, 5/10H) LF Guild/Group


My partner and I are looking for a chill group to clear content with. We play Prot Paladin & BM Hunter exclusively. We’re habitually AoTC and our logs are public and available upon request. We enjoy M+ content as well - the Prot Paladin is S1/S2 KSM and the BM Hunter is getting there! Ideally, we’d like to raid 1-2 nights per week but we’re open to more (3-4 max) during progression. Our availability is below.

Monday - 8-11 PM (EST)
Tuesday - 8-11 PM (EST)
Wednesday - N/A
Thursday - 8-11 PM (EST)
Friday - 8-11 PM (EST)
Saturday - N/A
Sunday - N/A

My Discord is TK#9876 - feel free to reach out. We’re on most days/nights. We aren’t looking to transfer from Illidan right now but we’re willing to dedicate ourselves cross-server if that’s an option. Hit me up!

Hey there, Check out Highlords. We are recruiting. please let me know if you have any questions.
[H][US][Illidan] - 6/10 H COD is recruiting for Raiding Fri/Sat 9-12 EST - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Still looking! We are open to trialing.