Hunters: Tame anything (humanoids included) for a Pet

I choose Dryad. If I were using Animal Companion, Tol’vir too.

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I am taming Lucifuge for umm purposes >.>


Don’t believe that’s even possible without hacks.

One can dream though one can dream :smiley:

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Yeah, we all know why you want to tame that dryad.

I’d tame a drake, or a worgen.

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Tame Deathwing. Fly around burning enemy capital cities.

Tame Azeroth.


What’s she gonna do? Bleed on 'em?

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I dunno, honestly. I was hoping she’d have some auto-attack or something cool.

I was not prepared for follow-up questions, damnit!


Jaina. And I would walk her around on a leash and discipline her for being naughty.


This thread just climbed unrestricted to flight level ADULT without delay!


I want to tame a Gnome.

If I ever see another Worgen named Garwal I call dibs!

Had him for all of a day back in Wrath before they nerfed him to piontlessness…

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Of the taming glitches/bugs he was one of the best to have. Until nerfed and “fixed”

Easy, dragons. No, not drakes. FULL SIZED DRAGONS!


I’d tame another hunter.

Who I’d then command to tame another hunter.

I’d then command my hunter to command his hunter to tame another hunter.

Then I’d command my hunter to command his hunter to command his hunter to tame another hunter…

and so on and so on.

And what would you do with this army of hunters?

probably ninja loot weapons.

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Well every weapon is a hunter weapon…