Hunters HATE 9.0 Hunter's Mark

You’re still not getting it. I said “it’s disruptive to the rotation.” We already have a lot of buttons to press when we switch targets. Having another one, especially one on the GCD with periodic availability disrupts the flow of the rotation significantly. They’ve already screwed with the fluidity of the rotation enough since Ion started his reign. This is just one more “improvement” Ion is implementing.


I’m guessing you play bm. I am ignorant of how it plays at a high level. What do you have to do when swapping targets?

Shadowlands delay. Please use the time to spam Blizzard with requests to remove Hunter’s Mark. During the pre-patch we can still get it re-pruned.


Now is the chance for hunters to make their mark and get Blizz to remove Hunter’s Mark forever!! Revive pet back to 2 seconds pls while you are at it!


Sounds reasonable, except any content where there’s >1 target. M+, Torghast, open world, PvP, …

You are balanced assuming you have HM on your primary target at all times, so that’s a DPS loss.

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Does that sound great to you? Is pre-casting something you enjoy, hitting a button that does nothing on its own, before every single pull, just so you can do your full damage?

Again I’m speaking about gameplay here, not DPS parses. Every button should do something, every button should feel satisfying and fun to press. That’s my benchmark. HM doesn’t meet that standard.

I hate it, every time I press the button. It makes me not want to play a hunter.


Or any time you have DoT classes in your group, and you are better off moving your damage to another target while DoTs finish off the weakened enemy.

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I don’t really mind the new hunters mark that much, but I have only been using it on bosses/pvp.


Feedback is not always good though. Specially for the hunter class lot of feedback comes from baddies who barely play the class and are more interested in RP than actual gameplay.

I’ve been maining a hunter since WOTLK and played all the specs outside of melee surv cause well if i’m gonna play a melee i might as well play my DH. Played BM at the beginning of WOTLK then switched to MM when i had enough AP. Then played Surv at the beginning of Cata and switched to MM when my gear was good enough in Fireland. Did not play in MoP. Did not play in WoD until HFC and played MM in HFC. Played MM at the beginning of Legion then switched to BM after they “fixed” MM after listening to feedbacks by a bunch of n00b wanting the spec to feel like a sniper not throwing snakes.

The last time i had fun playing MM was when Marked Shot and Vulnerable were op. And let’s face it Vulnerable was nerfed because apparently lot of guys who did not do **** on their hunter though it did not feel like MM enough. Then after it was nerfed you absolutely had to have the Aimed Shot legendaries. Anyone who bought the “it doesn’t change your dps” patch notes was living in la la land. Without the Aimed Shot legendaries which i did not have my dps went down the toilet in ToS just like that. I actually had to switch BM and i’ve been playing BM since then.

I tried MM a little bit in the 2nd season of BFA and it was trash. Pure utter trash. The problem with MM is a bunch of people who don’t really play absolutely want it to be a sniper spec. You know for rp purpose whatever. They have like 4k achievement point. 800 arena rating. Have never done a +15 in time. Killed maybe 1 boss mythic in their life. But hey they want the spec to be a sniper spec and apparently Blizzard listen to them more than guys who actually play. They want MM to take 10 hours to snipe one target and bouuu houuu if you have to move then better luck next time your dps just vanished. And we all know moving is not part of any raid encounter in WoW not in 2020 no you can stand still all day long right.

I would say the problem of MM is Blizzard listen too much to people. MM was perfectly fine in Legion pre ToS. Then people complained so much on the forum about Sidewinders and all the abilities not named Aimed Shot than Blizzard scrapped the whole thing without any reason whatsoever. Boom just like that. I remember doing a Mythic+ after 7.2.5 hit and was like where the **** my ****** dps went.

I’m sorry but taking eternity to cast Aimed Shot is not fun. Not having any worthwhile abilities to cast while moving is not fun. Unless Arcane Shot is buffed by Aimed Shot it’s crap. Steady Shot is crap. A BM pet with 3 stacks of Frenzy will trash that Arcane Shot and Steady Shot dps all day long. If you stack all the Rapid Fire Azerite traits it’s not as bad but still Rapid Fire went from OMG i’m a god CD to feeling like using a pea shooter. I’ll tell you in WOTLK and Cata with full heroic raid gear Rapid Fire was like ***** OP. MM lost Rapid Fire. It’s now almost a joke if not buffed. They lost Chimera Shot which was replaced by nothing. Now if you’re moving you’re dead weight. I have a destruction lock and it never feels as bad as my hunter when trying MM.

But hey i can’t wait for the reply by guys who did nothing on their hunter telling me i’m wrong and MM must absolutely take 10 hours to cast Aimed Shot and be a laughable dead weight punching bag in between. So fun. From the Stream i watched MM looks ogood in Shadowland. Rapid Fire looks op as it should be so far. Chimera Shot is back i think. Probably not as op as it used to be but i hope a more viable option than stupid Arcane Shot while moving. Cause as it stands right now absolutely no reason to not play BM in pve. It has op pet healing you can cast on anyone. It got an op stun. It got very high sustain single target damage and solid aoe. You can do both with the same talents as long as you got one Rapid Reload trait. It’s the best all around spec in all situation in pve. BM is fine and there’s no problem with it. Suv is okay in arena and actually fun to play. MM is trash. Pure utter BS trash.

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Shocking that people who play MM expect MM to feel like MM. And no, people didn’t like it because they couldn’t do tons of damage or because they were just noobs. MM in Legion was basically playing RNG Whack-a-mole. And it was RNG whack-a-mole because they tried to push RSV into MM and when you push two playstyles that are antithetical into each other, it just doesn’t work for a lot of people.

Just because you enjoyed it doesn’t mean a lot of other people didn’t. That doesn’t make them noobs just because they didn’t agree with you. In fact, I would wager you were in the minority of people who enjoyed it because they changed. Not only did the change it, but they went back to a more traditional approach to MM in BFA. That’s how much people just did not like Legion MM.

Really? I have almost 19k achievement points. I’ve been an MM main SINCE VANILLA. MM has always been the “sniper” spec. That’s what I want, that’s what I enjoy. MM has problems yes, but it’s not this made up problem of “look at all these noobs who just don’t know what a good spec is.”

Damn this is a huge strawman is I’ve ever seen one. Standing and casting aimed shot is not the issue. Casting aimed shot is fine, the problem with this particular aspect of MM is that aimed shot does not do enough damage for it’s cast time.

This is your opinion. My opinion is that MM was garbage to play in all of Legion.

Again, shocking that the people actually play MM want a certain thing from MM. MM players want MM to be MM. Not MM + RSV. Not RSV. MM and only MM.

This is your personal preference. I don’t care if they made the aimed shot cast LONGER as long as the damage made it worth using.

Literally comparing apples to oranges here. Prior to BFA Rapid Fire was personal haste buff and not a damaging ability like it is now.

If you’re moving and you have over capped your aimed shot charges because you didn’t plan your movement before hand, then yes you are dead weight. If your aimed shot charges are not capped, movement is not the big deal you are trying to make it out to be here.

Well when chaos bolt hits twice as hard as a careful aimed buffed aimed shot, for a .5 second long cast, shocking that it feels better to play. So yes, again, cast time not that big a deal with the damage behind it is worth it.

You gonna light that strawman, or you gonna build it up and kick it around some more first?

It was literally nerfed going into SL. It produces less focus, does more damage per tick, but because of the reduced number of times it ticks, it does less damage over all.

It’s a talent that replaces arcane shot.

So, you’re a flavor of the month player wondering why Blizzard doesn’t listen to you and listens to the people who actually play a spec regardless of whether it’s OP or not? Yes MM has issues, but that doesn’t mean MM shouldn’t be MM.

Also you’re praising SL MM, when it’s just an improved version of BFA MM. The core of MM in SL is still the BFA MM.


No i play the best spec giving me the more chances to succeed which right now is BM in pve and Surv in pvp. It’s been this way for a long time. That’s why i played all specs outside of Surv cause as i said if i’m gonna play melee i’ll just switch on my melee toon instead. I play the best spec as simple as that.

My preference is MM and i would like to switch back but the dps is just not there. You say Lock is better cause Chaos Bolt does more damage. But it cause problems in pvp specially in arenas. Buffing the damage of Aimed Shot might be a solution in pve but this can potentially cause problem in pvp.

If they buff it too much people will complain about the damage in pvp and since we are not mages and locks then blizz will nerf us asap. We are the ret paladin of range dps we get nerfed as soon as people complain and if you remove 80% of someone’s health pool in one single Aimed Shot people WILL complain.

MM has always been at its best when Aimed Shot was instant cast. It was bearable with the old Rapid Fire and Readiness too. Personally and i know lot of hunters who agree the way it worked at the end of WoD was way better. Standing still for a long period of time would increase your damage. This is how sniping should be. You stand there not moving and then when ready bam you fire the trigger and shot. That long cast feels like a spell more than anything else. On top of that Barrage was op in WoD and it felt so great.

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That’s literally being flavor of the month.

My point was, not how much damage aimed shot does. My point was the amount of damage has to feel good in relation to it’s cast time. In Vanilla Aimed Shot had a 3 second cast time, longer than it is now, but because Aimed Shot hit like a truck in Vanilla, it didn’t feel bad to cast it for 3 seconds.

I am well aware. I’ve been MM since Vanilla. I know how Blizzard is when it comes to hunters.

Uh… the majority of the life of hunters Aimed Shot has had a cast time. And I disagree with the notion on it’s face. I’ve enjoyed MM more when it wasn’t instant.

I enjoyed the mastery of WoD as well, it was a fun and interesting mechanic. The set bonus that made aimed shot instant was meh at best for me.

That is and always was the intent. It’s called Aimed Shot. The point and feel of it is to be that you’re lining up that perfect shot and then boom, headshot.


Hi there, I was one of the people railing against Vulnerable. I started those PTR threads with thousands of replies and upvotes. I talked back and forth directly with a few devs in those PTR threads about the issues MM was dealing with. Also, I raided Mythic Emerald Nightmare.

The problem with Vulnerable was that it was inherently RNG based, and there was simply no way around that for the base spec. While Sidewinders severely reduced the RNG impact, you were now beholden to using a cooldown-based mass AoE spell 100% of the time as your sole builder, severely restricting your versatility in combat, and this on a spec that had previously been laser focused on priority single target burst. You know, the thing that made MM shine in HFC, because it was relevant on almost every fight.

I could go further, but Dawnspirit pretty much covered it.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

Would like to keep the thread on subject, if at all possible.

What are the chances there’s a mid-end expansion legendary for Hunter’s Mark? 20 second CD was a preamble to making it a sick af DPS CD!

Or… not and we’re stuck with this horrid spell :sweat_smile:

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They made it now so Wild Spirits applies HM to all targets within the effect, so they are really doubling down on HM.


Not any kind of blocker though. It would be trivial to add a 5% damage debuff to Wild Spirits, after removing it from HM.

I didn’t say it was or that it was a good idea, just that this is what they did.

Oh, yes, they clearly aren’t going to change it before launch. You’re right about that.