Hunters are unplayable on the PTR

I’m not being dramatic when I say they’re unplayable.

MM: Trap launcher is not working while in combat
BM: Can’t summon my pet or swap pets at the stable master
Melee weaving: Chimera shot doesn’t refresh the duration of Wyvern Strike

I’m unable to play the class - if anyone has a working solution please let me know.


Agreed. Will hopefully be fixed soon.

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The Chimera shot thing is an intentional change they made last phase.

I think it was to nerf some farm or something. Possibly just to fill the hunter nerf quota.

Pet’s worked after logging out for like 30 min weird stuff.

What are you talking about? The Chimera Shot tooltip specifically says that it will refresh the CD on Wyvern Strike, which it doesn’t. I just tried it again. It does not refresh Wyvern Strike’s cooldown?

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He is correct. They did that in phase 2 due to hunters solo farming ulda. (It didnt stop them). Im betting the forgot they did that and never reverted it

There must be some miscommunication. Go read the original post:

“MM: Trap launcher is not working while in combat
BM: Can’t summon my pet or swap pets at the stable master
Melee weaving: Chimera shot doesn’t refresh the duration of Wyvern Strike”

There was no Wyvern Strike in phase 2?

They changed wyvren sting ( the one range spell ppl used to farm uld and got fixed by devs)to a melee spell wyvren strike, and specially designed it that its cd resets by cs which is very weird game design

Yes but what this thread is saying is that according to the Chimera Shot tooltip, it’s supposed to interact with Wyvern Strike and reset its cooldown, which, as of the time of writing this comment - IT DOESN’T…

What’s there to be confused about here?

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Everything mentionned are bugs so thanks for the report.

Need more testers.

After a bit of testing, I think that the trap launcher bug is some how tied to our auto shot timer. It will work in combat if a) you’re not queuing an auto shot and b) your auto shot is off cooldown. Can replicate by:

  1. Start auto shot
  2. Spam escape
  3. Wait for your auto shot to come off CD
  4. Throw a trap

theyre talking about last phase when chimera shot would refresh the DoT from wyvern sting which i thought was intentional lol but they removed that interaction. shouldn’t have anything to do with the topic of this discussion but maybe that change is conflicting with something on the PTR and the devs didnt realize it.

Raptor Fury is also bugged, only gives up to one stack. :frowning:

LMAO “Test the class” man, I’m scared for hunters in p4. They trying to make us Melee weave with this rotation too?? feel like I am playing retail man

I think it’s a cool play style. I like that it emphasizes exact movement to perform well.

Any luck with summoning pets? I was able to summon once, abandoned it and trained the pet I wanted, then it went back to not being able to summon anything.

yeah pet summoning is completely messed up right now.

Guys, I think this is the way to go:

Check out this original post and see what you guys think. I think it’s the perfect starting point and Blizzard could literally copy and paste this.