Hunter Reindeer pet in a dungeon, I think that's great anyone else?

I do indeed!

I’ve never fed my pets and they stick around so, maybe they have a condition …

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  1. Shanti in Ogrimmar, fruit Item level too low for pet.
  2. Tree dude in Anniversary area, fruit Item level not high enough.
    Finally found something the reindeer eats!
    Chocolate lava cake, innkeeper Brax, Gungadraz. Reindeer gobbles it up!

Fruit vendor in Org and COT need updated fruit IMO.

I hope my stubbornness helped somebody.

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I mean duh! Who wouldn’t gobble that all up raises both “grabby grabby” hands

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“Great, now I got 4 goats at the table begging for chocolate.” Shoves the chocolate cake in the goat

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Yes, and from what I have heard, they could even decide to attack you instead.

no I mean back before Cata I think is when they removed it, Hunters used to have like half their bag slots tied up in ammo and pet food it was a big complaint I didn’t main one and I even knew about it… believe me they told us about it a lot

Is not going to matter eventually … again! Woot! Woot!