NE, Human, BE, VE
best looking in chain armor sets in that order
can’t go wrong with any of those
As undead, we look awful in chain, simply awful. Short races also look awful in chain.
Blizzard has made it pretty clear that the only true hunter race is some variation of Elf. Pack leader has a lot more wiggle room but Owlbow spec and Sylvanas spec are thematically elf exclusive.
Some will claim this isn’t true and handwave away thematic intent, because of course a dwarf mountaineer’s final evolution of skill and talent is shooting stars or millions of crows, but these people will handwave literally anything blizzard does. It’s clear where hunter is headed.
Or in pvp have the net gun knock you off our mount although if you do use disengage just before you hit the ground you take no damage.
And after the change to Shadow Meld how you could avoid dying in a wipe by using it and or Feign Death.
I’m Dwarf when are we not?
Mostly always HAMMERED*
on the bright side, now dwarves can channel the teachings of the mok’nathal and of the venerable horde champion rexxar too
Mostly? Our blood alchohol concentration is 90 proof.