Hunter Macro Help

Hi, I’m new to making macros and I searched for an answer to this but couldn’t find one.
I would like a macro that will cast Harpoon and then Serpent Sting in one click, but if I am not in range for Harpoon then I do not want it to go ahead cast Serpent Sting.
Is that even possible?

Macros can’t use range or the sucess/failure another ability use to determine whether or not to use an ability. The “decisions” macros can make are limited to a small number of pre-set conditionals.

Section 4 of the Macros: Essential Information guide has a list of all of these conditionals with some explanations of what they do:

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It would be possible for the pull… i.e. if you are out of combat when you press it, but it’s not possible during combat by design.

I think that would work fine for what I need it for; what would be the macro to do it?