Hey Bustted!
Keystone Raiders is a new guild on Proudmoore eyeing AOTC for 10.2. We’ll raid one night a week (W 6-9 PT) with the rest of the week focused on M+ teams.
In-game — [A]Hansraj / [H]Hansraaj
Discord — Hansraj
BattleTag — Hansraj#1828
Keystone Raiders is a new guild building a solid core of players for M+ teams and Normal and Heroic raiding.
Core Principles:
Inclusive — We welcome WoW players of any race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, etc.
Respect — Members are expected to show kindness and respect to others inside and outside of our community.
Laid-back — Our culture and environment should be kept relaxed, chill and even-tempered, regardless of the challenge and level of the content being played.