Hunter in Shadowlands, please get rid of spirit beasts

Spirit Beasts are dead, Ferocity is the new BM goto for the leach…especially devilsaurs for the mortal strike effect.

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Ill grant you PvP, but there isn’t a DPS spec in this game that has issues with solo world content. Good DPS in raids translates to good DPS on dungeon bosses (and before M+, like WoD) nobody cared about trash.

“I have never touched hunter much” How you gonna come up in other peoples class and start making selfish demands?

I have have been a hunter main since I first touched the game in 2008. Since you wouldn’t know hunters are artificially forced to the middle of the DPS scale by the Devs. Our spec is constantly being nerfed and rebuffed to keep us under mages & locks who seem to be the Dev golden children.

When we do get a cool thing like a mount or special tame it always comes with a significantly painful grind or having to camp a super rare spawn for hours, days, or weeks. You may not realize this but what you are advocating is the removal of one of the main mechanics that keep BM hunters a relevant consideration in Raids and Dungeon groups. Because the spirit beast heals aren’t a part of other heals global cool downs. This allows us to defend the Healer or other DPS from trash and throw a quick supplement heal on them so that the healer doesn’t have to change focus from the tank or the rescued player die of the damage they took.

Back in legion BM hunter’s who put the time in to get good at the spec had even greater utility in this reguard. Because in an emergency we could whip out a quillen and rez the healer or lock. But, that ability was removed probably due to whinny threads like this one.

Strictly speaking I do believe all of the hunter pet classes including spirit beast should be changeable specs just like the different specs in hunter class (ferocity, cunning, tenacity, & spirit).

Or, a talent unlocked at around level 40 that automatically applies spirit beast attributes to any pet being used by the beast master regardless of their spec (ferocity, cunning, & tenacity). However that comes with the suggestion that all specs on each class should individually level as in you might have a lvl 60 marksman but your Beast Mastery is still level one and you have to go back to a lower area to level it so that you are actually forced to learn the spec.

Ultimately until you main the spec through an expansion or two, and find out what its like to be the red haired step children of WoW when the nerf time commeth you might want to hold on your opinion of removing key beloved elements.

Necro Much?

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Spirit beasts have been nerfed into the ground. No one is gonna give you grief for not running a spirit beast. Most BM run fero in 90% of content anyway.

edit: just saw this was a necro. People have been necro’ing threads like crazy.

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Yes I know this post is old and I am going to give my 2 cents worth to Beast Mastery and the OP does not understand the bond of the Hunter and his pets. Remember Vanilla where you had to feed your pets almost every hour and where they might turn on you. With Beast Mastery I may not be the most powerful of the Specs but I am the longest lasting and I can heal myself and heal my pet every minute and I can last longer than the others. Also the challenge to get my few spirit pets is far surpassed than the other specs just like going into Mythic + the greatest challenge there is. I just wish they would add at least one or two per xpac. That is why I have stayed with Beast Mastery for over 10yrs because Survival is stupid trying to be a tank and Marksman is all burst in the beginning but cannot handle long attacks with a 1.5 million HP NPC. Also I miss the days of BC when I had my bow and had dual wielding of Felsteel Longblade and could smack down any toon in PvP when they got too close out of my shooting range. That is why to this day my favorite Spirit pets are Arcturis and Ghostcrawler.

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How many of you Beast Mastery Hunters have the beast as your side pet Ghostcrawler? I seem to be the only one on many servers ever using him. Long live Ghostcrawler!

It can’t use Crab shank though.


in dragonflight we hunters should be allowed to tame druid tanks in bear form. and force them to be our pet. even if they are too tired to play irl they will be forced to as long as we are online and got them out.

oh and give us a spirit clefthoof pet as a 2nd pet.

This topic spanned 2 years. Reading through it provides insight and a timeline of sorts for the devaluation of the Hunters Pets… May they sleep restless.

Jesus…dont tell them this in GD, lmao. They’ll have your head. lol. Well, some of them anyway. I hate to break it to them but what is showing on the Beta right now is BM has Survival of the Fittest as a talent and It looks as if Pets are losing it.

I know im like 4 years late but just misdirect the pet