Hunter Class Suggestions

It has been a while since I even touched my hunter character and there has been some really good things done with the hunter class but I would also like to make some suggestions. First, I will mention the good things.

  1. Focus is way better than mana ever was.
  2. Breaking pets into different classes that give you special abilities depending on what class you use is a good idea. It gives you more ways to play your class.
  3. We can finally stealth like a rogue!
  4. Getting rid of ammo for ranged weapons.

Here are the things that I think should be changed.

  1. Let camouflage be an aspect and call it Aspect of the hidden.
  2. Make aspects a real thing again. Different aspects let you play your class in different ways like how different combat stances does for warriors (Iā€™m assuming they still do that for warriors).
  3. When we had ammo we could use different kind of projectiles to give us different abilities. We canā€™t bring back ammo but maybe we can have different ammo types that do different things depending on what kind of ammo we are using.
  4. Hunters should have their own quest line just for them that lets them hunt big game in the world just like real hunters do. Maybe we can get our own hall that records our successful hunt so we can brag to the other hunters.
    4a. Maybe their can be a fishermanā€™s hall for all fishermen of any class and the size of their catch will be recorded somewhere.
  5. Hunters are natural outdoors-men so there should be some abilities that their outdoor nature gives them an advantage over.
    5a. They should be able to create a camp outdoors and be in a rest state there since being outdoors is second nature to most hunters.
    5b. Skills like cooking, fishing, skinning, and making campfires should get a class boost since those are associated with outdoor types.
  6. The default should be dropping a trap at your feet but if you want to shoot a trap then you can choose it in your talents or make it a part of the marksmen specialization.
  7. Stop using suggested stats. I know playing a hunter is hard but dumbing it down for people is kind of insulting. A lot of players might like to experiment with different stats and letting them try may result in some good things.

In general, if you want to think of things a person who chooses hunter class likes to do go into your local outdoors shop and ask yourself what these people like to do outdoors. The class title says ā€˜hunterā€™ and people who like to hunt generally like to do outdoors type of things.

How would the new camo work (as an aspect)?

This is a little unrelated, on the recent PTR, BM was supposed to get Mending Bandage as a PvP talent. If Iā€™m remembering this correctlyā€¦ I was hoping this would eventually include MM. Instead, they took it away from BM! This is BULLSH*T.

A variety of ammo. types are sort of simulated in things like Explosive Shot and Arcane Shot, Chim. Shot & Serpent Stingā€¦ Iā€™m all for more flavor though.

The new aspect would make the hunter camoed by default while the aspect is on and it only goes off when the hunter is in combat. The aspect of the cheetah can work the same way. When the hunter is out of combat they get a speed boost but when they are in combat they return to normal speed. Aspect of the turtle will just give you more armor but maybe cut your movement speed by 75%.

The ammo type can be an item in your bag and a slot on your character so that you can swap your different ammo types just like you can swap different armor types.

  • Exotic Munitions
  • Level 100 [hunter talent
  • Passive
  • Allows you to modify your ranged weapon to use exotic munitions:

Incendiary Ammo
Arms your ranged weapon with exotic ammunition that lasts for 1 hour. Each autoshot deals 20% additional Fire damage to all enemies within 8 yards of the initial target.

Poisoned Ammo
Arms your ranged weapon with exotic ammunition that lasts for 1 hour. Each autoshot deals (32% of Attack power) additional Nature damage over 16 sec. When this effect is refreshed, the remaining damage will be added to the new effect.

Frozen Ammo
Arms your ranged weapon with exotic ammunition that lasts for 1 hour. Each autoshot deals 15% additional Frost damage and reduces the targetā€™s movement speed by 50% for 4 sec.

Only one exotic munition can be active at one time.
Removed Patch 7.0.3-aka- The Harrowing of the Hunter Class.

I like the Camouflage idea, but Iā€™d call it ā€œAspect of the Chameleonā€ instead, for obvious reasons and get rid of the current Aspect of the Chameleon. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thatā€™s how Trap Launcher worked. The reason they removed it is because no one turned it off which made the spell pointless and tedious. You could keep it on 100% of the time, and still drop traps at your feet with /cast [@player] macros.

I assume similar to how other Aspects work right now.

Aspect of the Cheetah is a 3min CD that increases your movement speed for a short time.
Aspect of the Wild is a 2min CD that increases your damage for a short time.
Aspect of the Turtle is a 3min CD that makes you immune(ish) for a short time.

Aspect of the Chameleon (as I like to call it) would be a 1min CD that does the exact same thing Camouflage does now, but with a better name than Camouflage and a better usage than the current Aspect of the Chameleon. :stuck_out_tongue:

You can already do this. Use an @player macro for the traps you want at your feet. Or better yet a /cast [mod:shift, @player][@cursor] (or vice versa) so you get both.

On an expanded note, the reason itā€™s the way it is now, is because the primary focus of WoW in the beginning was PvE (and arguably still is). There are not a whole lot of situations in PvE when you want to place a trap at your feet.

Oh, and for #7, if you want to minimize your DPS, go crazy, nothing is stopping you.

I like #4 and #5, WoW could use more stuff like this.

I wish we had special tames like in Pandaria/Cata. Where you had to find tracks and follow them to find them. Or tricks to tame them. Make them neutral, but if attacked by a non hunter, they will destroy you.

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