Hunter Class Design Needs Drastic Modernization

It usually helps if you stun/binding into trap first

Never once said there was nothing wrong with hunter or theres nothing wrong with it.

False flagging is against TOS btw

If you want a vacation for breaking tos sure

The only cc that requires another cc to be nearly guaranteed. Even if it’s a slow. Freezing trap and ground targeted pin point abilities in general are awful in a game that requires holding right click the entire time. Freezing trap also has long travel time at distance.

Meanwhile the traps:

Fair warning. If you guys watch the whole video. Expect some heavier language.

ideally i would want to see:

pet specs added (for pvp add an overhead identifier so you can tell at a glance what an enemy hunter has, realistically any pvper worth their salt will be running an undead mw raptor or bird)

aspect passives made into stances (attach a 10-15s cd between swapping to prevent stance dancing maybe)

lust baselined, fortitude of the bear made into a choice node with survival of the fittest, master’s call could be baselined into a regular ability

and as for pet functionality, i’d rather see them work like warlock pets or something. hammering kill command isn’t the most exciting thing in the world, so if it were like the felguard’s felstorm ability or something it does by itself would be cool


I think the latest rework was suppose to do that, it just fell short in some areas. I think lone wolfs implementation is just sucky.

No thanks. I’d rather not be nerfed.


Multi shot should have a 6-10 second cooldown and also cast kill command on the main target if kill command has a charge.

I feel like this could really help with the ramp up for bm aoe.

I assume that would include beast cleave being 10 second duration as well otherwise I’m afraid you’ve come up with a terrible idea lol.

Well that’s why I put 6 second cd as an option too, still think it’s a bad idea?

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At 6 seconds it’d be whatever altho slightly annoying since you wouldn’t be able to refresh before it falls off and 1 extra kc won’t really do much. Think multi shot and bc is fine for bm its the tools around it that suck.

Or it can have no cd, just cost more focus than kill command. Idk, I feel like this would be a easy fix to our aoe ramp up.

1000% Agreed with every work thank you for creating this thread hopefully we get more changes

Tar trap and concussion shot have to be selected. kek.

Tbh our main ramp issues is due to frenzy being the only option unlike legion where you could have dire beasts + stomp vs dire frenzy as a choice.

This is for my man Woodsy who I randomly messaged in Dornogal at 6AM EST. Love you

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100% agree with lust. My BM hunter is a gnome with all mech pets but I had to go and find a suitable lust pet.

If you’re marks you lose out on dps because you need to have a pet out to activate lust disabling lone wolf. Marks at the very least should get instant dismiss with a cool down to summon the next pet when specc’ed into lone Wolf, for balance.

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It would be nice if Territorial Instincts just worked on Primal Rage and Master’s Call, in addition to Intimidation.


I’m pretty sure everyone agrees with Lust.

No MM Hunter likes specing into Lone Wolf just to whip out their pet to cast Lust, to immediately banish them again. It’s just SO clunky.


100%, this is an antiquated / bad design and it needs to be modernized.