Hunter burst needs balance

just way way way too easy at anyone in 40 yards uninterruptible without hard cc and with no real tradeoffs of any kind

Buffs soon. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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yeah i saw that

da hellz…

not really the buffs hunter needed but ok ill take it. we need more defensive buffs or just bring back kraven leggo or make it a talent

Are you talking about BGs or arena?

wtb survival buffs

Phys does too much dmg to anything with low armor, not that Blizzard knows this and just static buffs everything

No trade offs? Just stun them, disarm them and train them to the ground…… wins

Yeah I agree on training them into the ground but my rando shuffle partners are like chaos in motion

Ya, so stop whining about balance issues in the meme bracket.

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Lol true, bit of venting I guess