Human Race Mega Thread and Lounge

“Exactly. You get vertigo. I do too.”

“No. Thank. You.”

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You and me and Voiron have some bucket lists to do.

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“I’d rather survive my Bucket List.”


You’ll survive it, I promise. I’ve been up on the tallest skyscrapers. I just give you a hug as you live through it.

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This literally makes me want to cry


I gotchu friend.

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I’ll dive into the ground like Bugs Bunny and you’ll never see me again.

Adrenaline cranking so hard I turn into a cartoon


“You don’t get it. Mine is not a fear of Heights, it’s a fear of FALLING. You get me up there, on a glass floor, and as soon as I look down, it won’t matter what, or who, I am clinging to. You will have to bury me that day, because it will give me a Heart Attack. It’s THAT bad.”


My dad did the open steel. I got to do the enclosed sears tower. It’s a wild trip and I am a feared of death on mountain tops at 13k feet. But you put me in a building with walls, I’ll haul you all along.
It’s not Pike’s Peak.

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“And you will be carrying me out in a body bag.”

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Nahhhhh… If you got up to the top and saw the summit, you’d be inspired to sprint down.

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“You believe what you want. I would die of fear, it’s that simple. You don’t understand how these things work, my Friend.”


I’m afraid of heights too but I bike to the summits of mountains all the time. Wanting to barf all the way up out of tiredness and fear. But you get to the peak and there is just something. Fear for sure. But it mixes with some other element.

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“That is where you are getting mixed up. Mine is NOT a Fear of HEIGHTS. It’s a Fear of FALLING. It’s different. I can climb up forever, but ONE LOOK DOWN and I am DONE. It’s different than a Fear of Heights.”

“But Vertigo is a symptom of both.”

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I just don’t look backwards. But I do look forwards and that is also a fast road at high speeds. Not exactly falling. But breaks are a fine tool.

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“You are braver than me. Let’s just leave it at that.”

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You just need good disc breaks. You got it all. Good views both ways.

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“I don’t even drive.”

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Good thing I’m talking about bicycles. Do you bike?

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“I am a 66 year old, home-bound, House Wife, on Disability.”