[H][Thrall] <Duplicitys Reach> 9/12M LF Mage/Lock and Heals

Boomkin here. I’ve been raiding on Dalaran as Alliance but am looking to raid on Thrall as Horde in Shadowlands. Still gearing my Horde toon (up to 435 now). Been AOTC every tier since I started in Antorus. Killed 3-4 mythic bosses in all BFA raids as current content except crucible. Main’s name is Thicckin on Dalaran, but raided mythic Uldir on a rogue (Bluntman). Looking for a group that is pushing similar content.

Bumping :slight_smile:

bumping, LF dps and possibly a healer

Bumping, looking mostly for RDPS

daily bump now that its closer to raid time

bumping for raden kill :sunglasses:

Looking to add excellent dps and healers.

bumping, drest is down! still looking for healers and excellent DPS

bumping for the afternoon crew