is a brand new guild that is looking for people who got stuff to prove, and we are the guys you want to prove it to! We started off back in legion as friends from other games and raided quite a bit and played other games, but eventually went our separate ways, we are now getting the crew back together, and we want YOU to be part of it!
I know that as a fresh guild, we cant be too picky, but we must still have our standards, you gotta be available on Tuesday and Thursday from 8PM PST to 11PM PST for raid, with an optional alt/friend/family run on friday same time. You gotta know what buttons to press is what order and how to smash bosses. We will kill some stuff in mythic, but we will must have fun along the way, afterall, its just a game!
We are currently open to recruitment for every spec and every class, and we do have some of the juicy juicy officer spots open. Come show us what you got, and we will help show the world what you got!
Add Me: soulcleave#2276 (btag) or soulcleave#8786 on discord.
Already got a couple healers, still in need for tanks and dps (though a few more healers wont hurt!)!
healing officer - Ambassador"
Already got a couple healers, still in need for tanks and dps (though a few more healers wont hurt!)!
healing officer - Ambassador"
We are well on our way to forming a solid core for Shadowlands! Currently in need for one more tank, one more healer, and a bucket full of dps!
We are filling out quite well, currently in need of 1 heal/dps offspec, a tank/dps offspec and a load of dps!
Almost done filling out our mythic roster, we just need a DH DPS, but we also have room for a few more ranged dps trials!
Cant believe we actually managed to recruit almost enough people for mythic before SL, all we need is some ranged and maybe a healer!
We rae just looking to fill 2 more healer spots, and 1 ranged spot!
Finished filling out our core team, but we always welcome more trials, socials are also always welcome!
One shotted N Denathrius, but were still looking for some ranged and maybe a good healer!
Currently 9/10H, but we are looking for 2 ranged dps and one WW monk dps to finalize our mythic team comp!
Just killed Sire, officially 10/10H. But we are looking for more dps so we can start progressing in mythic!