[H][Stormreaver] <Supergroup One Shot> 2/10 M & 10/10 H one-night AotC and M+ LF mage & heals

Democracy got you exhausted? Come join SG1S, where we offer free repairs and food to each raider who unquestionably obeys.

Thank god it’s bump day.

4 more days until pre-patch event

Prepatch tomorrow yay!

Recruiting is open again! Looking for one or two stellar healers.

Looking for healer friends!

Need people to throw green numbers on us

This is a 10 char bump!

The end of 2020 is upon us.

Looking for more healer friends!

Vault day bump

New year, new request for healer friends

Come be healer friends with us!

Bumpity bump bump

Thursday evening bump

Just downed generals and got Sire to 50%! Come join us for the rest of Sire prog.

Different week, same day.

Got AotC last night! Check us out if you want fun farm times, M+, and a great team to progress with for the next tier.

Swift has a cute baneling come pet him

Would love to chat with someone to see if there may be a fit here. I’ll add on discord and see if we can connect