[H]Returning Mythic player LF CE guild

Hello Beware we would love to have a chat with you, our core spots are flying pretty quickly.

Hope to hear from you soon

Hi ßeware,

We’re looking for players with prior mythic experience who want to raid a somewhat casual schedule while utilizing some of the best-practices you see in more serious environments.

We raid 7-10pm Eastern Mon, Wed, Thurs and take advantage of our limited hours by coming to raid well prepared and highly organized. As an example, we use PTR testing footage and logs to create strats we’ll use during week 1. There’s an example from Ny’alotha in our recruitment information, and we also already have guides posted internally for Castle Nathria.

Our primary organizational focus is on maintaining a positive and productive raid culture. We’re willing to make short term sacrifices like investing in a player who shows potential and needs some gear and some practice or removing a player who might be highly skilled individually but isn’t on board with playing as a team and keeping the raid culture positive.

If those practices and values speak to you, have a look at our recruitment post and drop us an application if you like what you see.

Hi there!

I’ll post our guild spam below, we have a high priority on a restoration shaman right now and I think you’d be a good fit for the group.

The Golden Company is now recruiting! We are a 9/12 Cutting-Edge focused guild on Zul’jin, Horde-side. Our group was built with two goals in mind: The first is to build a community of people we enjoy raiding with. The second goal is to achieve CE.

Here is what you can expect from us: While we do aim for Cutting-Edge each tier, we are not a hardcore guild. Raid spots are competitive, but we will not be replacing someone after a few bad nights. Our goal is to build a team of people we enjoy playing with and to that end we prefer to help someone improve rather than replacing them. If we find someone that performs well and they mesh with the group, we will stop recruiting for that spec or class. This does not mean your spot is 100% secure but if you are consistently performing well, we will not be looking to replace you. There is always a better player to be found and we do not want to constantly churn people out. We want to build a solid core of players that sticks together and helps each other.

Our primary goal is to have fun and create a friendly environment, this means avoiding toxicity and bad attitudes. This guild is also open and accepting to LGBTQ+ players. No racism, homophobia, sexism, ableism. We will not tolerate any discrimination on those or any other grounds.

----- Raid Schedule:
Tuesday: 8pm - 11pm EST
Wednesday: 8pm - 11pm EST

Raid days or hours will never be extended for any reason.

----- Requirements:
Attendance is important. We run a tight roster of 24 players and expect 90% or greater attendance; we understand life happens; we just require you to inform us as soon as possible in consideration of the other players in the group. Note: Attendance requirements are higher for trials, tanks, and healers.

We require the ability to adapt to situations during a raid, as well as take constructive criticism outside of the raid. We do in-depth log analysis and like to discuss things to help both the raid and you become better. A positive attitude is also a must, progressing in mythic will require patience and dedication.

Looking at current beta information, our current expectation if you want to enter Castle Nathria on November 10th is that you are 175+ item level, essentially this means you have at least a piece of heroic dungeon gear in every slot and run every mythic 0 for week 1 and 2. This is subject to change as more information comes out.

----- Loot:
We use personal loot as master loot is no longer in the game and the drama from trying to implement a pseudo master loot is not worth the hassle in our opinion. Loot that you want to trade is distributed via RC Loot Council.

If you are interested in us, please add me, and we can discuss bringing you into a future raid!

Bittersteel (GM) - Discord (Bittersteel#4096) or Battlenet (Bittersteel#1826)