come join us fellow game enthusiasts
apply now .
or else.
on a stack
7/10 lets go baby
always looking for more gamers to join the family
Boom there it is dead council
Shamless bump up
swag surf.
Hello there,
Myself and the officer core of our sadly dead guild are looking for a new home.
Our avail days and times are - Mon/Wed/Thurs 9-12 EST Pref. (Flexible on the time plus or minus a few hours).
All of us age wise are 25-36.
We are all 220+ with High parses, will link you if you’d like.
We are 2/10M, 10/10H this tier.
4/5 of us are KSM - We do enjoy pushing keys and PVP as well.
Classes are:
Druid - Resto(main)/Boom - KSM
Shaman - Resto - KSM
Warlock - Aff/Destro - KSM
Hunter - BM
Pal - Ret - KSM
More than anything we are looking for a strong group of players that are just good fun people, good vibes, no drama or stress. We get on to game and enjoy our time.
We all play our classes exceptionally well.
Feel free to add me on bnet, Plazmatic#11918.
Thanks guys.
Weird flex
always looking for more gamers
Council is an awful boss. Change my mind.
save cds 4 lust
It’s so sad that Sosad is so sad