Hpal/bDK LF Late Night Mythic Team 8.2

Hello there!

Would you be willing to join a current CE guild? Dark Skies is a long-time late night Cutting Edge guild, 9/9 Mythic Dazar’alor. And we are, in fact, looking to add a Holy Paladin to the roster.

With roots stretching back to Wrath of the Lich King, we’re a mostly older group that originally started as a haven for parents with small children. Hence the later start times, since many of our players can’t raid til their kids are in bed.

We raid Tue/Wed/Thurs from 9:30 PM to 1 AM Pacific Time which would be starting at 12:30 EST (so an hour after you get home).

The guild is run in an open, consensus fashion (i.e. no officers) which works well for us since we focus on only taking people who are laid back and will fit in well with the team.

You can check out our main thread if you’d like to find out more:

I also sent you a btag request in-game. Hopefully we can talk soon.