How’s your 8 going?

/moo :cow:


It’s not. I’m pretty much done until May 2 (or whenever the next patch drops)

The grind never ends. The Count is a genius.


Ive done a few on this character and my priest. Hoping to get at least a few 14-15s done this week so i can get ksm next week.

Only need to start doing them get them.

LOVE IT! That’s hilarious

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I do my 8 20ies weekly as a tank, healer, and dps.

I have been in groups like the one you mentioned where someone with 3k io & around 420 item level don’t preform like you think they should.

But for the low low cost of 500k gold you too can be ran through a mythic raid once a week to get the gear, and for about 200k you can be carried to 3k io.

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I admire people that do this.

But I got off the hamster wheel a long time ago. There’s so many other fun things to do in the game than to mindlessly run the same dungeons over and over and over for a drop you replace in 3 weeks.


You mean like mindlessly run the same zones over and over and over for a mount you replace in 3 days?


People still do M+? LOL

I stopped doing anything related to gear. If I login, I just level alts in timewalking.

Just waiting for season 2 which will replace all this gear anyway


I don’t think you know what that word means.

Gear comes and goes, mounts are forever.


I haven’t done more than 1 per characters for the past month so with 3 weeks left until season 2, seems like a waste of time to really put this much effort into a single character. My current ilvl should be sufficient to progress into s2 at a reasonable pace already.

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Sadly not logged in in about two weeks. Just not feeling it.

But currently working to get S+ rank on pro mode Resident evil 4 remake :3. Got my infinite Chicago sweeper to play with lol


Wow you can ride multiple mounts at once now?
Here’s a tip: gear worn at level 18 can also be equipped at level 24.


3 days? More like 3 minutes. Mount Andies will get a new mount and chunk it in the trash before the end of a play session.


I’ve retired til next season

I got my 2500 and that’s more than enough for me


Thats my goal every season. Hasnt happened once :frowning:

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My weekly zero heck no I won’t ever do M+ again with you psychopaths are going fine.

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Just finished my 8 right now and got KSM on my evoker. :sunglasses:


This is a full 8… weeks in a row of 0 vault activities