Hows the Horde / Alliance balance here?

Really thinking about transferring from Herod. The race ballance is like 4 to 1 in favor of Horde and it’s really is hard on alliance to quest or do anything. Add in the god damn que every day and its just not worth it at all .

Is there more balance here? Hows the overall pop?

Any good Ally pvp/raid guilds need a decent mage?

Check some of the posts about server balance for actual numbers. It’s a fairly even split with Horde having a .5 - 1% favor from what I’ve read. This could change at any moment. And most of us want more players so feel free to join! There’s a number of guilds recruiting. Not all on forums.

That said as a former Herod player whom transferred here the other day be prepared. Server will feel dead compared to Herod. It’s Medium right now and hopefully High soon. Make what gold you can on Herod BEFORE transferring. The AH here is still small and will take time to grow. Typical quick sells on Herod may not sell here. Stormwind isn’t slammed like Herod so nice if you’re on an older system. Overall, I enjoy it, but for people who love the action packed nature of Herod they will be disappointed. One can hope we see more transfers over the coming weeks.

It really feels balanced to me. I came from Herod and I find plenty of PVP, but I can also go to STV and quest without being mercilessly camped.

I am so glad I made the switch. No
More 3 hour que after work!

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Currently no transfers available, but hopefully they will open up again