How's Arms in PvP?

Took pretty much this whole xpac off after being hit back to back for 22k apiece by a ret pally early in S1 in D stance with 36% vers.

What do warriors look like in PvP currently?

It’s basically the same but weaker since S1. Still decent and fun.
You are def the kill target now in melee comps.
You still do competitive damage though like DH/DK.

-Intervene is now 3secs
-Death Sentence nerf to 6sec cd
-Defense Stance only 10%DR but still 20%damagereduced

pretty sure most people are fury/necro now cuz the tier set is top notch.

If you’re talking about BG/WPVP, arms are still fun AF

Welcome back to the game Thediesel!

Besides what Vainth said, you still get 1 shot with defensive up in this season with how stupid high the burst is with zero counter play sometimes with op tier on certain specs.

But at least you came at the right time to spam comp stomp to farm honor and get full honor gear and start the conquest grind!

Not great into the Legion of wizards.

Something like Rogue is better/easier.

Yeah, seems like nothing’s changed. Maybe I’ll see what Fury is about since it seems a little more competitive than it was in S1.

Appreciate ya. Yea, I watched a clip the other day from a healer’s PoV and his 2v2 partner literally died in less than a second in the opener to 2 rogues. Burst seems insane rn.

Funny you mention that, because I just hit 60 on my rogue right before I made this post and got him the honor gear for Outlaw.

honestly, if you want to be competitive and have ez time climbing play rogue. if you’re a warrior fanboy like me, then play war…in bg.

there’s literally nothing that warrior brings better than rogue in arena right now. i legit cannot think of one. (it used to be def stance)

i’m only glad my restodruid partner also is in the cans so he doesn’t leave me for a rogue, as I don’t leave him for a holypriest.