How're you enjoying Shadowlands?

I’m surprisingly enjoying a lot about this expac.

The storyline seems fresh. It’s familiar because it’s WoW, but it’s in a new area that’s not on Azeroth or AU Azeroth. Major characters are mostly out of our hair, so I’m not having a constant voice over from Jaina or Thrall to tell me some little message about a world quest. This far into the expac and I haven’t explored all the zones. And I still want to!

I’m actually having to think about the current in-game lore and how to incorporate it into RP. I usually don’t because it’s always Alliance vs Horde or Alliance and Horde vs some mutual enemy like the Legion but still Alliance vs Horde. This time it feels more complicated than that. The Alliance and Horde are noticeably working together, so that conflict is completely out of the picture. The Jailer is offscreen. The Maw is…yeah. I don’t really like being unable to mount, but I’m seriously considering RPing there.

I’m running content for the first time since the beginning of Legion. I’m working on professions and gearing for raiding, which I haven’t done since WoD. The mission table isn’t overwhelming. The anima isn’t obnoxious. I’ve been getting through Torghast where I never even bothered with the Mage Tower before. I’m not heartbroken over the lack of world quests, but I would like to get more than high value grays to vendor from their zone quests.

Right now I just want to work on getting Blanchy <3



Enjoying it so far. But then again I’ve liked every expansion. I just like WoW.


SL is pretty fun. I’ve only been focusing on the character I got to 60, but I’ll probably start leveling a second character soon.

Only complaints are some of the QoL changes touched upon in another thread, but beyond that it’s been enjoyable. More enjoyable than BfA’s launch, that’s for certain.

It feels like there is a lot to do, but not all of it is required or needed to progress. BFA still has me holding my breath that at some point SL will take a dive back into that awful territory, but right now it feels great. I’m excited to login and do things, not just to complete some chores.
I would definitely say it is worth checking out now.

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Yeah, I’m stuck at the Baine thing too. Nearly killed dude 3 times now and I’m getting a bit frustrated. So I feel ya’ on that.

Anywho, one of the best things is no one is screaming at me “tae get more azerite!” That alone makes it worth the purchase to me.

My only “complaint” thus far is about the performance of fury. It needs some tuning right now - at least it seems like it to me. Could just be me and my lack knowlege, but I’m going to blame it on something else. I’m just feeling a little weak. And evidently I’m not playing as Blizz intended, since the only weapon drops I get are one handers and shields. But that’s just my personal rant… back to the game.

Over all, I’m enjoying Shadowlands. I didn’t think I would. It seemed interesting, but I never trust blizz with stuff like that.

Leveling was amazing. It was fast. They’ve separated out the main storyline quests for you. You can just do those, leaving the side quest, and maybe work on your professions and you’ll hit 60 before you finish the last zone.

When I first hit 60 I was overwhelmed. And I thought it was going to turn into several grinds. ANd it hasn’t. Like others have said, you don’t have to do every this minute. So, I’ve been slowly working on some side quests - besides the ones I left you get new ones when you join a covenant - and doing world quests for anima and gear. Right now, as a 60, I have enough content left to keep me busy for a while. And I happy. Happier than I’ve been since Pandarian.

Yes, it’s not perfect. But I think it’s better than it’s been in the last 2 -3 expansions. ANd, I don’t feel like I’m punching a time clock when I play. it’s been fun so far.

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I kinda wanna see the first patch before I judge it so I can get a notion of the overall trajectory of the expansion. But my initial thoughts are sort of mixed.

It doesn’t really feel like a massive change from BfA to me. That’s not meant as an insult, because I think I liked BfA more than most people did (it wasn’t the best, but I’d still put it above my least favorites, cata/wod/mop).

Covenants, for example, just sort of feel like a mashup of Legion class hall campaigns, BfA essences, and the always-essential garrison mission table. Again, this is not meant as an insult–Class halls were good, and essences minus essence grinds aren’t bad either (tables can die tho). I don’t hate hanging out with my blue angel buddies but I don’t really see this as groundbreaking new content either.

Torghast is cool but it feels to me like it has the same problem as islands–a chore for hardcore people with few benefits for casuals who might enjoy it. All it offers is a special currency (this time for crafting a legendary item rather than boosting a necklace), and you only get this currency once a week, so it isn’t an “endless dungeon” where I can delve as deeply as I want for gear or cosmetics. You can run a set number of floors each week to get your legendary dust, but there are no further benefits for more than 1 run in each available wing. It is fun, but I hope they change the rewards.

The Maw is the max level adventuring zone and it also has problems with rewards. As far as I can tell the main thing you get there is a currency called Stygia, which is used to upgrade your adventuring in Torghast. So it is a sort of unrewarding bit of content used to upgrade the other unrewarding bit of content, though unlike Torghast the Maw is not very fun on its own (imagine Argus with no mounts, gear drops, or any of the lore relevance, and instead of convenient world quests it has dailies).

The story, well… we’re soaring so far over the shark that it is hard to judge. If BfA was MoP 2 I guess this is WoD 2 where we do the wacky throwaway setting that will probably be canonically inaccessible and irrelevant in the future. The questing experience, as usual, is pretty fun, especially Revendreth. But overall I’m not crazy about spending the next ~2 years in a setting which will probably be functionally deleted in the next expansion.

The biggest thing I miss from BfA is the cosmetic rewards. Working toward unlocking an allied race, or unlocking a heritage armor, or collecting a warfront set was really fun for me as a casual player, and there’s not really anything like that in SL other than covenant armor sets, none of which look that good. Again, kind of reserving judgement on this until I see the first patch, but it is possible that heritage armors will be a permanently incomplete feature. The new customization options for old races left me feeling sort of cold too. Some races, such as humans, got a fantastic treatment. But uh I don’t play humans at all and Draenei Males didn’t get much of anything I like, and the fact that the whole revamp came and went with only one race getting any new faces at all was a big disappointment for me as I spent all that time hoping Night Elves and Nightborne Males could finally have some non-dumb faces. I hope that with subsequent patches everyone gets up to human levels of customization.

tl;dr don’t hate it but it isn’t revolutionary and we need more cool outfits and hot dudes


2 copper:

My IRL brain doesn’t always function right so all of these Shadowlands ‘systems’ are super overwhelming and confusing to me and I probably won’t get involved in any of it at all beyond just phoning it in enough to get by. I’ve had to log off a few times because it’s too much and my brain short circuits.

I think Shadowlands offers A LOT of options though, which is a great thing no matter. So far it seems like there’s enough to keep all types of players happy, no matter your play style.

The leveling was great, save for the few times I couldn’t go any further because unless you’re dipping into quests outside of the Campaign, you won’t level up to move to the next Campaign quest. I got stuck in Mallalalaladraxus and Revendreth and had to go in search of quests to level up, so I could move on. That was a bit awkward.

I like that I can buy PvP gear again, instead of just hoping for something I can use to drop at the end of a rando BG.

I thought Malaladraxus was a decent storyline, but the zone was visually boring.
Bastion felt like I was joining a cult, but it’s a beautiful zone and I will probably fish there a lot.
Revendreth was great and hysterical and solid. Very likeable.

For me, the story in Ardenweald was exactly what I had wanted and more. Some beautiful moments and some sad moments. I love the zone and am really happy I chose to go with Night Fae. Plus, at some point I’ll get a lightbulb backpack, which is a+.

The Maw might just be too much for me. I’m having a really tough time there. I’ve put that place on pause for awhile.

I’'m not sure I get the point of Torghast, outside of getting things for your legendary. The very few cosmetic rewards didn’t appeal to me, so I’m not sure how much I’ll set foot in there. I don’t raid or do any end-game, so the legendary isn’t on my priority list anyway.

Blizz bailed entirely on archaeology, so there’s nothing new. disappointing because I can think of a few ideas that would have been really fitting.

I like the ability to add stats to profession gear and my Sam Fisher engineering goggles are on point.

I have a party hat and a floaty seed cradle mount. There’s some cool backpacks (I got the grungy experiment one already).

As always, art department hits a home run.

For once, I’m not sure I care as much about the music. That kind of surprised me. It’s usually impressive.

I guess like always, it depends on why someone plays and what they enjoy. For me, it’s already 10x better than BFA so I’m happy.


its okay but where is my salad

I don’t like the Maw very much, personally. Other than that overall I’d say I like Shadowlands quite a bit! :smiley:

I truly like reading how much other folks are enjoying this expansion. I only wish I could be one of them. Overall, I love the artwork and design each zone has. I enjoyed most of the quests from each zone. I’d say there were enough rare spawns in each zone that will allow you to get something interesting.

I like the layout of Oribos and I didn’t mind a couple of the return trips to the maw. It recently dawned on me why I was really called the “Maw Walker” seeing as how your mounts don’t work there…you’re pretty much forced to walk or in most cases, run wherever you need to get to.

On my very first trip into the Maw (intro), I had a bunch of Goblin gliders and kept gliding over to the unexplored parts of the Maw to see how long I could last before some armored Death Angel landed on my head to one shot me back to the beginning so I would get back on the rails. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing how long I could evade those flying fatal feet of forthright ferocity.

However, it’s the parts of Shadowlands I am not particularly fond of that I find myself struggling with on a daily basis. Firstly, it felt as though I was being dragged through each zone on rails. I didn’t feel as if I spent enough time in each of the zones to truly feel immersed. I suppose this was by design as a way to give you a sample of what each covenant had to offer, but for me it had the opposite effect.

I outright didn’t want to help the Kyrians based on principle and what was required to become…“one of us”. Were it not for the NPC couple I met when I first arrived there, I’d have told their Archon to go pound sand. Also, there was one Kyrian who I kept imaging to tell me to talk to the hand. I don’t recall what they said exactly, but they annoyed me mildly each time they said it.

I felt Ardenweald’s Winter Queen was about as stuck up and annoying as the Archon. Were it not for the NPCs I first met there, more sand for the sand pounder.

The only thing I wasn’t too thrilled about with Maldraxxus was being yoinked out of combat against my will a couple of times by Drakka. Once again, being forced back on the rails. Other than that, I had no beef with their Primus for obvious reasons. Even still, the Primus seemed like a pretty cool character.

Revendreth is by far my favorite zone. I was a bit surprised there was no witcher or vampire hunter type faction there. The whole place gives off this Ravenloft vibe to me. Of course, I ended up not liking this demiplane’s leader either, so that’s three out of four Shadowlands Pantheon leaders I don’t particularly care for. Is it too late to side with the Jailer?

Torghast seems like fun in concept, and I had fun the first time. However, I’m not truly interested in repeated visits here because it doesn’t make sense to me in practice. It’s a soul ash hamster wheel and I’d rather scour the underworld completing quests to acquire components for legendary items than I would spamming the same infinite dungeon to achieve the same results. We’ll see though…even if it already bores me, I’ll give it a few more goes to see if it gets better.

Anyway, that’s my take on Shadowlands. To me it’s just ultimately underwhelming and shallow so far. The one thing I am currently dreading the most is the prospect of dragging my alts through this expansion when I’m already not fully vested in it. This is honestly the first expansion I was not excited to play. It’s the first expansion I didn’t take time off work to play, and it’s the first expansion I have no trouble walking away from to do other things.

Will I cancel my account over Shadowlands though? No, absolutely not! Just because I’m not completely enthralled by it doesn’t mean I’m going to stop playing. Cataclysm is still my least favorite expansion, but I rode out that storm, and I can ride this one out too. There is still a chance something could change in an upcoming patch to cause me to enjoy it more…maybe?


pretty neat o’keen expansion so far where my biggest gripes are actually kind of minor

the timegating is much less evident so far and i feel like i can just do other stuff in the meantime that’s also forward progression

and i feel kinda squishy but i’m still working on gear so it’s chill

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… Mind = Blown

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The first character I’m running through SL is one of my Paladins, so I feel your pain on feeling squishy. Also, it’s not just because it’s the start of a new expansion kinda squishy either…like getting chunks of your health taken out in one or two hits kinda squishy.

If you’re in a high traffic mob area, switch to Prot and that’s where you’ll feel the difference. You can pretty much wade into a dozen or so mobs, or take on one of the level 61 silver dragon rares solo with no problem. I was a bit disgusted by the damage mitigation gap between Ret and Prot, but I’m sure that once I get a vast upgrade things will bet better. Until then, I’ll just be cursing a lot more than usual.

Oh absolutely. For two whole levels I flipped from Ret to Prot without ever noticing much of a damage dealing drop, but way up on survivability.

Kind of wish armour class mattered a bit more because since… Warlords? It’s kind of felt bogus. I’m pretty much pausing Torghast and any level-capped quests until I get a bit more gear because I have never pressed Word of Glory more in my life.

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the finale of ardenweald made me cry

stinkrealm sucks

everything else is alright

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I laughed so hard when I read this because that is EXACTLY what I thought!

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blizzard removing 2 points of Holy Power from Wake of Ashes and changing how Selfless Healer generates stacks was a personal attack on me

I ran the entire expac as prot, tanked 4 mythics and spent the rest of my dungeons as heals. I rescued Baine as prot. For gameplay, it’s pretty solid. I doubt I’d raid mythic with it, but the only time I’ve died is when I’ve gotten lazy, distracted or overtired.

Its funny because Shadowlands has so many grinds, but none of them are mandatory. Which makes me want to do them more.

I’ve learned that I am a stubborn and petty SOB.

BfA: Here’s some grinds you HAVE to do.

Slands: Here’s some grinds you can do if you’re bored or whatever. You get some stuff. But I don’t care if you do them… :unamused:
Me: I will do all of them. Oh wow, 4am already?