How would you make Lightforged Warlocks make sense?

No Means No.

Star Trek’s Borg, and Doctor Who’s Cybermen, all believe that they’re doing those they forcibly convert a similarly big favor. I’m pretty sure Y’Rel and the Naaru that drives her feel the same way.

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I love that movie. It’s campy, but it’s enjoyable :smiley:

That would have been a valuable lesson for Illidan to learn.

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Or Xe’ra rather. She wouldn’t have got lasered to pieces if she respected Illidan’s wishes and laid off.


Who was trying to bind who again?

well Illidan did ensalve Akama by removing his shadow and in turn the broken race.

Illidan is the last person who should be crying about personal freedoms.

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No one ever claimed that Illidan was the most trustworthy or good of individuals. He even admitted this at the end.

However, the naaru? The ultra-good beings of light who are suppose to protect everyone from Void and Legion? Yeah, turns out they don’t give a crap about the personal freedoms of mortals. To them, there are either Light Bound or those who are waiting to be Light Bound. No choice is necessary, it’s all been decided for you.

Not that Blizzard will ever pursue that story arc again though.

If the writing wasn’t so bad as to force us to side with a villain, we’d have a quest where we trapped Illidan ourselves to make Xe’ra’s job easier.

and we only have one naaru who indicated any inclination to this, and it was only illidan she was willing to subject to such a process who again has robbed other people of freedoms. Honestly while a grey moment I don’t see it as necessarily out right evil as the stakes were high i mean we were essentially fighting a god. If him being lightforged meant he had the power to assist us with the outcome he should have subjected himself to the process.

Lets not forget we only win because other titan souls had been locked up and not out right destroyed. Without them and illidan light forged we had no way of winning. The reasons she wanted to lightforge him is because the future she saw it was the only way of stopping sargares.

Obviously we didn’t need Lightforged Illidan seeing as the Legion was defeated without him being Lightforged.
Xe’ra’s efforts and Turalyon’s ragefit over her being shattered were pointless.

And you’re forgetting with what was going on in alt Draenor during the Mag’har recruitment quest. Or maybe you don’t care. I’m not sure. If Sylvanas simps can join with her all the way through BfA then it’s only fair that some people throw in with the naaru if they ever decide to Lightforge Crusade across Azeroth.

Just know I’m going to have a blast earth, storm, and fire smashing them all in the face and for once not being expected to feel bad about it.


We didn’t even know the titans were alive until we entered the raid (other than agrammar, but he was already under Sargareas control). Without them we had no idea on how to defeat sagareas, Xe’ra vision of lightforged Illidan was the only hope we had, hence why we let Illidan free.

People forget how stories work and characters generally don’t know how the story ends./

Again, we don’t know the history of that conflict only a very biased Maghar side of it. We do know that they were trying to prepare the Mag’har for what was to come, and considering the Void situation on Draenor when we left it doesn’t surprise me.

What if they aren’t the villian though, what if blizzard again paints the Mag’har as the villains in the situation and the Lightbound are actually a force for good that we are going to have to work alongside with to stop the Void.

Could easily go either way with how blizzard writing goes at the moment.

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Until I see something that states otherwise I’m going to keep assuming that the Naaru and Y’Rel are the aggressive party and the Mag’har were just fighting to protect their freedoms.

It could be that BLizzard will put some kind of alternate view to it if Y’Rel ever comes back and approaches the Alliance, trying to sell it somehow to get their help. It’d be interesting if she spins some lies or half-truths or alternate viewpoints to gain the trust of the Alliance. Only for the truth to become apparant when even non-participants start getting light bound against their will.

And even then I’m sure they’ll spin it as “for the greater good” against the coming Void.

Or, Blizzard being Blizzard, they very well might villain bat the Horde (again), and make poor wittle Y’rel out to be the unfortunate cute draenei victim girl who only took up the mantle because she was forced to.
/wankmotion :roll_eyes:

If they villain bat the Horde again in another faction war, then it’ll be an easy decision for me personally to hit that unsub button.

You mean like how Illidan respected Akama’s wishes and didnt split his… OH WAIT!

Yrel is at least right about Draenor being dangerous and divided. And given what the Iron Horde did to the Draenei first, there’s plenty of story fodder for Draenei wanting vengeance.

I guess some people will continue to ignore the 30+ yr peace that both sides had going on and that Yrel had forgiven Grom at the end of WoD. She and her Cult of Light followers are the aggressors here. There is no justification for their actions. They started attacking the Mag’har and the other sentient races unprovoked in their lust for total religious supremacy,

So basically it’s a case of “Because Someone Did It To Someone Then It’s Perfectly Okay To Do It To Them”, that it?

K. So what happens when they start wanting to do it to every else? Not because they “deserve it” or anything, but under the pretense that everyone must be lightbound.
For “unity’s” sake.

How about you? Are you just going to let them Light Bind your toon then, or the Knights of the Ebon Blade? I’m sure each and every of them somehow “deserve it” in some form or another.

The whole thing seems to be written under a concept that the Naaru, with the Legion out of the way, can now start exerting their own form of dominance over mortal life.
Better them than the Void I guess. /shrug :confused:

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Did it though? Just rewatched that cinematic, and more than anything it just showed that Xe’ra’s goals and views were incompatible with Illidan as a person.

The Light seems to be a force of conquest, given that it is used as a counter to three different magic types (Death, Fel/Chaos, Void), has its own army, and is often intolerant of other forces (Xe’ra/Yrel).

That said, as a force, it is just magic. Just like how the whole premise with Alleria was that while Void may be dangerous, it is ultimately just a force that you can use.

We don’t have much of a frame of reference when it comes to trying to wield light and fel, only when trying to replace fel with light. Ideally, the two forces SHOULD be able to mix, given that the aren’t even counters on the cosmology chart.

That’s my take on it. Destruction is probably the most translatable spec to the game, but I’d figure the majority of their role in the Army of the Light is as extremely specialized mages who summon demons to capture for interrogation, or key Legion officers prior to a battle to sow confusion.


Is it really too much to ask to make these races fit a bit better with the class?

You and your friends are rejecting every suggestion given to add/develop lore to make them work lmao