How would you feel if

They’re troll toes. What do you think.

The cleanest!
wiggles toes

Strange question OP but ok. My main is a pandaren and Pandaria is my favorite area in game. However, I’d be disappointed if there were only pandarens as a race. I like my alts and have each race on Alliance and Horde side including all allied races. I don’t have undead though. Sorry undead people, I’m not a fan.

I have a stinking suspicion…

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I’d stop playing. The diversity in WoW races is a major part of the draw for me.

Well then…
scoffs and walks away

Probably not happy.
Pandaren are fine. Been wanting them as a playable race because of WC3 but if it was nothing but Pandas well.

While I don’t hate Pandaren, I would not keep playing if they were the only race. I’d go back to FFXIV

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i would feel with my hands

I gotta be a troll mon.

You just set back Pandaren acceptance by at least 10 years with this thread.

NO! We love the other races of Azeroth. They are our friends and adventuring companions.

Kung Fu Panda 4 is coming, and with it, our final great hope to be taken seriously by the rest of Azeroth. Don’t ruin our chance!

Aww, I was only joking! :dracthyr_uwu:

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I can’t say that I would be mad about it. Now if everything turned into elves and there were no other options, I’d uninstall and never look back. We’re already close.

I got like one paragraph into the Wikipedia page and lost interest. :man_shrugging:

Same way i felt about MoP when i unsubed for 2 years

No Orcs= uninstall.

I mean I have a pandaren mage I’ve been working on personally so I am an ally.

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I’d probably feel hot because of all that fur.

All Panda, Vulpera & Evokers should all be moved to the horde side or removed completely. Then move the Undead and Blood elf to the Alliance. Death Knights would get their own faction and their own quest chains.

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I trust my reply was sufficiently over the top to not be taken seriously. The KFP4 reference hopefully sealed it.