How would you feel about an Ogre race?

I think it would be cool. I probably would never play one, since I don’t do male Tauren because they’re too tall.

Horde need a tiny race, shorter than goblins. Maybe a darker version of faeries – Sylvanas could perhaps raise some undead faeries out of the ashes of Teldrassil.

My vote is YES please to Ogres.

The worst part about gnomes if getting them unstuck from the bottom of your feet… Nasty mess

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Ogres are OG Horde members from WC2. I’d love to see it.

Been crying about not having one for like what? 13 years now? :sob::joy:

The lore backing is definitely there, although I think the primary issue is model size and uniqueness for racials. You’d either need to be open to much larger model sizes for toons or find a reason why you have relatively tiny ogres as a PC race.

And also, two-headed ogres… perhaps two players playing the same toon? :slight_smile:

I have fantasies that they’ll give the ogre 2 separate heads you get to name if it’s a caster class (like priest, mage, lock, shammy) and 1 otherwise. lorewise, the Ogres that are casters have 2 heads and it’d be super cool if they made that distinction in character naming and creation. Someone would probably whine about wanting to be a 2 headed warrior though…

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Do not want.

Just imagine female Ogres.


I’ll enjoy killing them.

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I would hate it but because it’s something that keeps coming up, let’s look at some options.

  1. They would have to be teenager ogres. Adults are too big to fit into doorways.
    Are you still interested in playing a human sized ogre? I think not.

  2. They would also be restricted to only one class : warriors. They’re way too dumb for anything else. You would most probably get bored of that very fast.

I would have no interest.

I play more female characters than males. Male ogres are gross, and female ogres don’t exist.

However, it’s only fair that the Horde shouldn’t get another race that gets stuck in doorways before Alliance does. There’s been way too much Horde bias, preventing Alliance from participating fully, and this is one way it can be made up to them.

That made me laugh more than it should have.


The problem with an Ogre race is that Ogres are, in general, horrible drivers. Less than 10% ever even qualify for a learner’s permit, much less a full license.

It’s possible that they may do well enough in a NASCAR style competition, since a wheel would only need to turn left, thus removing the complexity of knowing left from right (a frequent complaint with Ogres, sadly).

Some might suggest drag racing, since there’s no turning whatsoever in that. However, precise control of everything else is paramount in that endeavor, and since the average ogre’s first reaction to the inside of any motor vehicle is usually “Stomp All The Pedals” this isn’t nearly as good a choice as might first be assumed.

In general, I’d be rather iffy about the-- what?

Oh, that kind of race.

Meh, wouldn’t really appeal to me.

Should have had playable Ogres several expansions ago.

you I was plugging for these a few weeks ago. Here is the video I made showcasing my argument for playable ogres.

They’d be an amazing addition and if they were to take Dire Maul, it could rival Dalaran w/ an alliance of Nightborne, Sunreavers and Ogre Magi. The ogres become much more intelligent once they are exposed to arcane.

I would never play one. I’m much more interested in a game that’s worth playing than different pixel arrangements.

Who wants a character that looks like Az from HeelvsBabyface anyway?

Whenever I hear this suggestion re: ogres as a playabIe race I think of the scene from Starship Troopers during the live fire excercise. Big, dumb, and stupid takes his helmet off and loses brain cells.

Ogres = big, dumb, stupid, loses brain cells by just breathing, and easily influenced.

Come on. Female Ogres in plate bikinis. Who wouldn’t want that!?

side story. There still a host of areas that a Tuaren can not fit through. if not for me being either a shaman or druid. I just give up. Sense they been here forever. I wonder why that is.

Anyways. I so go orge. But I want the ones mag har brought with them. they look so much cooler.

Most people with a gag reflex to begin with…

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