How would you expand the free trial?

“Free Trial”

  • 3 characters
  • No “Allied Races”
  • level to 60 from Exile’s Reach and BFA
  • no access to Chromie Time or other expansion content.
  • 1000 gold limit.
  • friend / RFD / random battlegrounds only. No raids, no keystones, no arenas, no rated pvp.
  • no trading post or darkmoon fair.
  • local, party, and free play (new channel) chat only.

Doesn’t give more free stuff =/= worst free trial.

Need to consider Blizz’ perspective. If this wetting of whittles gets people to pull the trigger on subscribing, it’s doing it’s job.

Am I mistaken, or isn’t this pretty much how it works now, not counting leveling to max? When my sub lapses, I can log into my lowbie toons and kind of noodle around, but can’t get into my mail.

Honestly. Thefree trial system is a good start but could have a bit more expanded on. Granted I have not partook in it for some time When i did my initial one I felt it very lacklustre to say the least. Levelling up to X level which at my time was still 15 Queue for a dungeon via the Dungeon Finder whizz around the dungeon due to the game being out that long classic dungeons were just like that dungeon run was over faster than I could fathom get 1 or 2 items with any luck do that a couple more times hit level cap of 20 maybe do 1 or 2 more depending if interest was still there or queue for a BG.(I remember you could don’t hesitate to correct me). Then you are done . But from my point of view I was allready time invested and well versed in wow so this above is more of a semi accurate scenairo of what most could experience.

Now if I was to expand/overhaul trial accounts I would mainly start with how they did that new starting zone Exile’s Reach.Based on how that was most well recieved having a similar system setup in that format might work like how you enter the fina part of that island and you Queue in that dungeon either by yourself or with other Trial accounts only since blizzard could limit it to that so regular players who have been there done that etc can’t break a new persons immerson.going back to the dungeon part they could have maybe 2-3 dungeons at the location of this content (Not saying it has to be Exile’s Reach I mean something specific only for trial accounts).Which could bring in current and past lore characters have base level Lore as the theme the possibilities are quite vast and by the end of the trial period which Honestly i would leave as unlimited since that person has incentive to go back to that character if they change there mind and buy the game,

Would love to see more answers on this.

I wouldn’t because then it improves bots.

Provide them two hours of free video streaming the additional study links they will need, a trial account at wowhead and icy veins, and a set of fifteen forum avatars for the official Blizzard customer forums so they can get a good idea of the game they’ll be playing when they progress beyond the trial.

I would argue the opposite given how rampant of a problem botting is in FFXIV. lol

I would increase the level to 40, give them access to faster flying.

Limit trading/AH and gold.

Once level 40 is reached, free game time for a month with the previous expacs level cap.

Keep trading/AH and gold restrictions until the game is purchased.

Limited chat to guild, party and new player chats until they purchase the game.

Honestly everything pre current expansion should be freely available.

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While you are correct that they can hit 20 that fast, it doesn’t stop them from seeing more, even on that character, they just won’t level up any more than that.

There are some areas that don’t scale that far down, so you can’t see 100% of pre-dragonflight content, but you can see most of the outdoor stuff. So it’s still many hours of potential content you can see.

That said, what I would do to it, is bump the limit to level 40. This gets you high enough that you can see all pre-dragonflight outdoor content through Chromie time. I’d open up chat features in a limited way, still not allow player transactions of any kind, no trading or auction house. And I would open up Classic with the exact same restrictions. Though I realize that this would be far more limiting in that version, there are people who might be interested in that experience.

I feel like you should just get like x amount of hours to explore new content. Old content is not really all that understandable in the way the game is played.

I’ve had friends leveling and stop before they hit DF because it feels the same.
And to me, DF is loads of fun.

Taking of loads of the restrictions like interactions with guilds and stuff.

by expansion’s level cap. WoW’s free trial is so limited it’s not even worth playing. They should do along the lines of what FF XiV does. it’s soon gonna it’s 2nd expansion for free. That is a serious amount of content.

Get to level 60, access to all normal dungeon/raids (not mythic/heroic/lfr)

No trading, no AH

The free trial should be on a HC server only. It will take years for them to need a subscription.

Not saying you are OP, but this post made me wonder. Do you guys think blizz employees ever use “normal” account to poll the community for solutions because they can’t think of any? Maybe they wanna see what people want without asking? Random thought.

I don’t like letting them trade, auction, mail, etc. because it will just make the botting problem worse. People don’t need those features to decide if they like the game or not. They’ll be questing and stuff not engaging in the economy if they’re legit newbies.

Maybe raise the level cap to 40-ish. 20 is basically nothing, and being able to reach 40 might open some opportunities to farm enough gold to get a token.

I say make the free trial to level 60 since its old content anyway

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They asked how to “expand” the free trial, not how to further limit it.

  • Trial accounts already have access to 60 characters, they just can’t be higher than 20.
  • Trial accounts cannot unlock allied races on their own (currently). However if you already unlocked allied races on the linked bnet account trial accounts have access to the unlocks and can create allied race characters.
  • Level is currently restricted to 20, so your proposal to level to 60 is about the only thing that would give more access to the game
  • Trial accounts currently have access to Chromie Time and all previous expansions
  • Think they are already limited at 1000 gold per character
  • They have full access to friend/LFD, but no LFR or PVP.
  • They do not have access to trading post, however they do have access to Darkmoon Faire and would lose it under your proposal. (As a side note: if you already previously earned traveler’s tender you may use it on a trial account, but you cannot earn more)
  • They already cannot talk in standard chat channels except the newbies channel.

i’d allow free trials to trade, join groups, and do a HELL of a lot more than what they’re limited to.

i mean good grief, look at FF XIV’s free trial. there’s a LOT more freedom in that, than in WoW. you’d think Blizz would take some notes regarding this.

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