I very much agree with this! There are ways to make guild perks be fun and not something that is over the top, so that they are wanted, but not needed. In this manner, people will not feel they are missing out if they do not have them, but they still acquire something fun if they do have them.
I very much enjoyed how engaged players were with their guilds during Cataclysm due to guild perks.
I would like to see more emphasis of guilds as its own form of content with better perks, achievements, pets, mounts, transmog and of course, guild halls!
During Cataclysm I did LFR with guildies. We never went AFK and did our best. I’d rather see incentives for guildies to do LFR together than gut it. Those who hate regular raiding — a ton of players — can still enjoy LFR.
I also feel like the sharding for the different servers reduced a lot of the players in the world. Azeroth feels so empty now, before, everywhere I go I could see people leveing.
I honestly think guild halls would be a great balance between the desire for player housing and the desire for community. Blizzard hates the idea of housing because it separates people and makes the world feel more barren.
But what if you could have a space of your own aesthetic choice, surrounded by people you choose to associate with? Toss some perks for guild activity like we used to have, and give people something to work towards besides gear.
Guild Hall / Housing aesthetics are huge in other games. I think they’d be great here.
Queues are not the problem they are a remedy to a problem,In this day and age people have work and lives to live and limited time to play. The problem with queues, now is programs that separate the people in a community by use. Take it away and they’ll pretty much would phase back to runs with the community then divided it.
Yeah, that bothers me too. The short draw-distance for players and the lack of players per shard this expansion makes it feel like there’s no one out there.
I agree. As someone who would welcome the addition of player housing, I would also appreciate if they simply compromised and created a guild hall system.
After my experience with trying to give away dragon bones on Isle of Giants I definitely agree. I still cannot believe someone I can see and talk to in the World, I cannot mail stuff to.
I definitely support guilds of 20 players (not characters, players) or more having their own guild hall (phased like Sunsong Ranch) with seating and a fireplace where the guild’s characters can go, see each other, have their own chat channel, even a portal that can be dialed to specific dungeons/raids/battlegrounds/ect.
But that’s it. No bank. No AH. Nothing that is not specific to guild interacting and activities.
Get rid of cross-realm zones and shading.
Game design that emphases and rewards co-operative play as opposed to competitive play.
Game design that emphasis and rewards group play as opposed to solo play. (People like me who do not group can learn to group, work around it or go without.)
I get where people are coming from with negative feelings about sharding and crz, but on these forums people tend to react harshly to even the slightest implication that joining a guild should be encouraged, and that group content should be completely avoidable… There may be some deeper issues here
Literally the #1 thing that can be done to improve community is… for players to only see other players in the game world that they can actually open trade windows with.
I think the answer is to remove crz and remove group finder. They would probably have to merge more realms though to keep realms populated if they did this. But I also think they need to have way more solo content, such as player housing for example, for the people that don’t want social interaction in game
Now, why would someone who wants to get [insert activity Blizz added] done want to interact with you? Is interacting with you going to help them get their goal done? No? Then they aren’t going to do it.
Remove all that stuff and revert the game back to honestly nothing to do at end game and people will have more time to come to the forums and recry about not having anything to do socialize.
Well,I think Blizzard is seeing that in limited fashion. In Revendreth for example , when we get the wq for the denzions there are two parts of the level, there one for group content ,the other for solo content they both give the same rewards. Hey at night past 12 a.m. there isn’t that many players out so this helps.