How to use DirectX12

Okay, you’re having deeper driver errors than just DX12 problems right now. You’ve got three different bluescreens/live kernel events in those errors indicating video driver instability or failure. Let’s try a reinstall of the drivers.

  1. Download, but do not install the most recent driver for your graphics card from AMD
  2. Download Display Driver Uninstaller from The Wagnard Mobile Forum (Click Official Download Here near the bottom of Wagnard’s first post. It will automatically download)
  3. Run the Display Driver Uninstaller file you downloaded and extract it to desktop
  4. On your desktop, click Display Driver Uninstaller and run it. Do not run in safe mode.
  5. Click Clean and Restart
  6. After restart, install the driver that we downloaded above in step 1.

In case you’re curious about the driver errors I mentioned, here are your codes:
