How to upload videos

How do I upload videos to this website? This is the first time I use it and have no idea. If someone can answer I would be glad, thanks.

You cannot upload videos to these forums. You would need to host them elsewhere.


Ok, but I need to report a player, and my solid proof is the videos I made of him abusing of some actions. Is there a section where I can make this?

If you need to report a player for cheating, you can right-click and report them in-game. We do not allow player reports on the forums.


Right-Click the character in question to report them in game. That will automatically collect all the log information needed for Blizzard to take any required action.

Disciplinary actions are between Blizzard and the person committing an offense. While you may initiate a report, you will not be informed of the outcome.


You can send any and all videos to

Not exactly. It’s essentially the email version of our webform which is intended for:

You may use this form to report exploits, scams, and fraudulent websites to our Hacks Team. Reports received via this form will not receive a response.

It should not be used for general player reports. It’s available because we don’t want to advertise exploits, or fraudulent websites via the forums. If you suspect a player of cheating, it’s best to report them using the in-game tools provided by the WOW team for this purpose.