How to people play tanks in hardcore wow?

Seems like it’s just a risk for very little reward.

  1. You’re at the mercy of the healer. Sure you have cd’s but if the healer isn’t paying attention you just die.

  2. Party abandons you at the first sign of anything going wrong. With all the mobs on you from tank aggro, you just die while they all hearth.

Curious to hear from people that played it

you will want to play with people you trust. in the old days these type of people were called ffffwens.

but seriously, I do think you will only want to run with trusted players. reputations of people will also be important on the HC realm. wait, in the old days this was called… player community. hope i am right and we do finally get that back.


The same way you play anything in hardcore. If you’re in a group you’re at the mercy of others. It isn’t any diff


For the new HC servers, i would recommend prot paly. So if the team bail you, you can always bubble hearth

Make sure your wife is an rsham or rdruid, it works well :slight_smile:

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So does the healer, most likely, in this situation, and the rest of the party…

Don’t play Alliance, or don’t trust paladins to heal or at all. Or really any class that has a way to wipe the party, while not dying.

And you can’t taunt, so if someone pulls threat, it’s on them to figure it out.

I plan on exclusively tanking as much as possible in hard core servers. I want to build a reputation as I level (or die) repeatedly. What glory is there in getting to 60 off of green mobs? I’m greatly looking forward to it!


the reward is feeling like you are actually playing a dnd game, how is that little reward?

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You have way more control over the group’s success as a tank than any other role. You can watch mana. You can set the pace. Pull only what you think the group can handle.

If you do everything right: you will only wipe if your healer disconnects, goes AFK, or intentionally griefs you.

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everyone is at the mercy of everyone else in a group, unless it’s stockades, then everyone can just run out if trouble happens :expressionless: