How to Macro Trinkets

Sorry. meant "macro" not major!

trying to macro trink to a mouseover for shaq but wont work?
/cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][]/use 13

any advice?

Attempts to use your first trinket (13) on:

  1. Your target, if applicable
  2. Yourself, if applicable
  3. Your cursorā€™s location, if applicable
  4. In general

/use [@target][@player][@cursor] 13

Change 13 to 14 to use the second trinket. Or be super lazy and do:

/use [@target][@player][@cursor] 13
/use [@target][@player][@cursor] 14

Increase your levels of laziness by combining it with other abilities (though only one of the abilities can ever require/be on the global cooldown):

#showtooltip Rising Sun Kick
/use Thunder Focus Tea
/use Healing Elixir
/use [@target][@player][@cursor] 13
/use [@target][@player][@cursor] 14
/use [@focus,exists,help,nodead][@raid1,exists,nodead][@party1,exists,nodead][@player] Life Cocoon
/use Rising Sun Kick

this is the correct answer

Wow, going through this thread I felt like a geologist peeling back history via more and more ancient layers of rock.

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The necromancy is strong here. This thread was made during MoP

Snowfox is even in here. And characters that havenā€™t been logged into in so long their levels havenā€™t been squished.

A fine vintage.

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