How to increase WoW esports engagement


can also just leave it alone and accept that WoW will never be a huge esport

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Gambling of all things to suggest as if that is even slightly likely😂


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This. And I don’t understand why people keep trying to prop it up when it’s a big fat fail.

wait until blizzard finds out doctoring destruction mastery/other against the bookies odds makes the gamblers more engaged.

So because people don’t like to watch arena it should be retired?

That’s a weird conclusion to make

Fair point and fine with that being this is an MMO.

However WoW should have a flag ship product for PvP and it’s never been Arena. There just never has been a big appeal for PvP players to ever play Arena since it doesn’t fit the MMO genre. It’s a bad format all around.

Arena should still be retired to Legacy format for the niche players that enjoy it. There needs to be new and exciting formats that attract new players and get them excited about playing WoW. That better fit the MMO genre.

PvP in this game became stale 10 years ago. It’s fun to play WoW a few months a year waiting for other games to come out. It’s just not people’s main game anymore for a reason and WoW isn’t getting new players so participation/viewership is where it is.

If nothing changes then nothing changes. WoW PvP needs massive shift in another direction. Stop balancing around the mini-game of Arena or M+ and we need a total overhaul of formats and gameplay.

It needs its own game.

Its going to need to be its own game.

Created and governed by people with a heart in their chest and a closed fist at all times.

WoW pvp is simply a mini game that has been gate kept by antiquated rpg progression elements which push zoomers away from even wanting to attempt to invest the time required to play.

What new gamer is going to want to pay a monthly sub then try and figure out addons/ui, pick a class (hope it’s something you enjoy), level through an incredibly confusing experience for any new player with chromie and the million different things us vets are simply used to at this point, hop into pvp knowing nothing with garbo gear and getting slapped by full bis players this late into the season, etc etc etc… They might not even enjoy the class they picked so… time to start over… I think you get the picture.

Allllllllll that or just hop into a free to play game with a vastly larger pvp community, real monetary rewards for going pro, being able to often press play and hop right into the action on an even playing field without weird mmo gear advantages, have a simplistic UI without having to deal with the utter garbo that is addons.

WoW pvp will continue its slow death being mostly a boomer mini game. You mention things like ‘bigger prize pools’ but blizz has absolutely no incentive to do something like that when the money in viewership and engagement isn’t there. Also let’s be real, wow 3v3 is a horrible spectating sport for the most part.

The only way blizz could truly ‘save’ pvp as in bring in new blood is going f2p, removing all the hoops by creating a gw2 instanced area with free max lvl toons + gear + enchants, all on possibly a separate client that limits addons and forces a fairly minimalist UI etc. Even then I don’t know if that would be enough.

I’ve never gambled but it is legit unreal how many different ways its creeped in. I don’t understand how anyone can bet on professional sports or believe that they aren’t orchestrated in some way with the amount of $$ in them

How to increase WoW esports engagement?

Answer Have players with actual likable and relatable personalities not the transparent fake nice and the obvious let me milk my followers mentality.

that’s actually an interesting insight into what could be

imagine the gaming audit team gets called to look into a tournament and they see that someone gave the flag carrying mistweaver a hidden aura that makes their expel harm crit every time or something like that

or better yet, game rigging like that never gets caught

that’d print even more money from silly made up pixels than the wow token could ever have dreamed of

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Celebrities are all leaches on society.