How to improve the Arena experience in Wrath of the Lich King Classic

Either let me buy the gear without needing arena or let me get points from skirmish. That’s all I want. The arena is a trainwreck that would need an entire redesign to fix. They are not going to do any of that.


its actually not hard to fix.

Replace the way things are done with the MoP system from top to bottom of the PvP experience

In my opinion RBG’s were one of the worst things that happened to pvp. A stab in the back of every rpg element, that promotes server/pvp monopolization, it almost made end game pvp unplayable for those that can’t, or don’t want to invest endless hours creating a virtual social life in third party software, like discord.
This idea that kinda started in cata and that consolidated in mop, that every aspect of end game has to be somehow related with the e-sport mentality, where players have to pave their way up, through almost professional organization to get anything relevant, destroyed not only the fun, but also the corner stone of this game: Its rpg element.
One of the reasons why mythics had success, deserved btw, is because players can experience challenging and rewarding content, just by playing with a couple of friends, with almost casually schedules, or even queueing solo.


Speaking of if you only do RBG i suppose that can be true, but the aim here was to make top end gear way more accessible in the same way that it was in MoP; bar none the best pvp expansion.

What we did gain from rating in MoP were titles and transmog options in the form of elite sets that had identical stat allocation so that even new guy noob has a fighting chance to play vs the best on an even playing field excluding the skill component.

In terms of how much you needed to play; not actually all that much because of the older MMR system being far more advancing for skilled players and still not painful for new players to progress in.

The system was really well setup, and unfortunately its only decayed since.

Imagine a horde player not wanting the Alliance to have a dominant racial. dr. evil voice riiiiiiight Lol

I literally also said arcane torrent in the part that you conveniently snipped out, have argued for nerfing orc and troll for pve, and argued for boosting up the garbo racials like Tauren/gnome…

Oh, and repeatedly pointed out that even if we nerf emfh into the retail stun breaker version, it would still be #2 pvp racial in the game behind only arcane torrent which again I’ve also said should be toned down too.

EMFH is just far and away the most egregious outlier so it gets the most attention.

ok fair. I was just messing with you. but you got me fair and square

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It’s all good… There’s admittedly plenty of bad actors on both sides who only hate imbalanced design when it hurts them.

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RBG’s were 1 of the best things that ever happened to WoW PvP and the majority of PvP’ers agree with that.

Edited to ask for the ability to Race change in WoTLK classic. I played a Dwarf Hunter the entirety of TBC and since Classic vanilla I planned on race my Dwarf day1 of WoTLK Classic back to my preferred race, Night Elf. I much prefer the aesthetic and animations of Night Elf over Dwarf, but I’d have lost many, many more arena games over TBCs lifespan from not having the gamewinning racial, Stoneform. I have titles/tabards/mounts that I’d like to keep, but if there is no Race change option then I am forced to level another Night Elf Hunter and abandon all of the unique things attached to my Dwarf Hunter. That is bad game design. Let us race change in WoTLK Classic.


Contrarians can go troll elsewhere, you won’t get a reply (but I’d appreciate the thread bump). There’s literally no good reason to block us from Race changing, a feature that’s existed in WoW for what, 14 years now?

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