How to Improve Affliction

Vile taint.

Malefic Rapture

It’s tolerable but the biggest issue is being viable.

It’s a huge problem that Aff gets A LOT of bonuses from borrowed powers, such as Azerite / Covenants / Legion Artifact etc. When they were removed, they were really just never compensated. Even in Shadowlands, when Dragonflight beta came out EVERY warlock was saying that without Covenants we were feeling extremely weak. Soul Rot was insanely bad as a talent, Darkglare was a joke that we didn’t use for a bit in P1, and it EVERY tier was bugged on release.

Aff suffers heavily from really terrible talents, and really really bad button bloat. Tact on that a RANDOM CHANCE for Agony to generate soul shards. I’ve had boss fights where I had 12 seconds of no soul shard generation and my entire damage was just terrible.

Boy I love that Fyrakk can just randomly drop into intermission phase with NO dots on him because he just feels like it. It’s so great. : )


That’s what I have been saying and why Aff has a ramp up to do damage.

It’s pretty clear you only play warrior and hunter which are two of the easiest classes

You don’t. At this point you have to be trolling because you just said a one minute gcd.

I’m not conflating anything. I understand how MR works.

Yes you are.

What is your warlocks name.

Each dot is a damage amplifier. Which is why up to 5 targets you have to put SL on all 5 targets.

The math has been done.

Yo to 5 targets with SL on each target MR is better. After 5 targets seed is better.

Stop trolling.

What’s your locks name.

You really don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.

I suppose I’m comparing to MoP. Sure vile taint and seed are aoe. But I meant more that we had the ability to put our main single target dots on multiple targets very quickly. Currently, soul swap allows 2. I really think giving soul swap multiple charges and allowing you to use it on original target is a good idea. Maintaining dots on any number of targets currently is a chore, when it wasn’t in MoP. As far as extending dots, it used to be part of your regular rotation, not tied to a long cooldown or 4 piece tier that will be irrelevant soon. And I know some people will play whatever spec is at the top currently, and it’s arguably necessary for mythic progress and mythic+.

It was a well designed and fun class back then. Now I argue that it’s not. It feels gutted and bandaged over with boring and tedious mechanics.

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i appreciate the attempt, but i’d personally disengage.

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That’s usually what happens when people can’t refute points made.

Already did at the point even a chance at their understanding indirect contribution or exploitation of damage windows or damage-potential passively generated over time (via CDs) depended on my swapping characters every time I post in a different class forums.

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The funny part you have shown a complete lack of understanding how affliction does damage or even works. Let alone understanding damage profiles or what ramping up damage means.

Just because you post on multiple class forums doesn’t mean you actually understand them.

In this thread you have shown a lack of understanding in both shadow priest and affliction damage profiles and how they do damage while trying to compare it to warrior damage. The fact you’re even trying to compare a melee with instant damage too two casters speaks volumes.

You still have refused to link your warlock with further proves you probably don’t play one or it’s at such a low level. I don’t care what toon you post on. I was just curious about your lock because I wanted to see your credibility because you currently have zero.

swap is a bad talent as is and needs something, for sure. I made specific suggestions about what i’d fix about it. Affliction ramp can be an issue if spreading SL to 5 targets was necessary to do good damage. Fortunately, for most content, this isn’t true. At higher content, without spreading SL, prio target damage is still good because you can SL that target and rapture but off target damage is extremely poor. You can try to weave raptures in just to maintain dread touch and seed otherwise for more prio but the damage is not particularly impressive.

The talent that i’ve come to hate the most is vile taint. I have a long section in my post about why it is so poorly designed. I truly hope they address this. Even a few changes made in season 4 would be welcome and make the spec much better than it is now. But I suspect they are more concerned with The War Within than making these needed spec changes. We’ll see.

I have never once mentioned Shadow priest except to confirm that I have mentioned nothing about Shadow priest (outside of responding to your quotes about my ‘talking about Shadow priests’, to which I confirmed for you that only you had spoken about Shadow priests).

My “comparisons” to Warrior were solely (A) a contrast, showing why what you’re describing is NOT like if a skill with virtually only indirect contribution were used n times, a (B) the simplest example of actual one-time ramp-up as opposed to cyclical reapplications.

If you need to see my Mythic progress or IO in order to understand why at all securing the throughput floor of one’s DoTs against otherwise-wasted duration (such as by having a diminishing portion of the remaining periodic damage to be dealt to the slain enemy instead be split and dealt to those around it) would benefit low TTK situations without at all needing to nerf Affliction’s raid capacity, I guess just goes to show why memorizing APLs and executing accordingly does not guarantee and understanding of how damage dynamics work.

I literally quoted your entire paragraph where you were implying shadow priests without actually saying it.

Your comparison was awful and wrong.

I wanted to see your experience as a warlock which you clearly have none. hence why you ignore the question multiple times and hide on an alt.

There’s no way you two are still arguing. Agree to disagree.

What you quoted:

…You do realize that this has applied also to Assassination, Arms, Subtlety, Feral, Enhancement, Elemental, Retribution, Survival, Marksmanship, Beast Mastery, Frost, and Unholy?

How does that specify Shadow, let alone “make comparisons” to it? The literal only mentions of specifically Shadow in any of my posts have been, again, to correct your mistaken belief that I ever specifically mentioned Shadow (in any other capacity).


Talk about reaching.

In what world do any of those classes require the SAME setup that Aff does to do damage?

Nah I dont agree to disagree with clueless trolls

Literally never said they did, only that each separate issue that you conflate nebulously and fatalistically into just “ramp-up” has an equivalent within other specs, allowing us to see how each of those components can be addressed and Affliction’s state thereby improved upon without needing to adjust its raid performance or changing how it plays.

I.e., a modicum of critical thought would show that we have more options than just throwing our hands into the air with “improvement is innately impossible.”


Then the comparison doesnt matter because they dont have anywhere close to the same ramp up.

Again whats your warlocks name?

They don’t know how to balance affliction that’s why we are constantly forced to play destro and sometimes demo. I got rival this season as affliction and they was tougher than any other class I’ve played.

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What if…instead of rapture doing a single explosion of damage based on the number of dots on the target, it instead was a dot itself, that increased the damage of all your dots on the target for X number of seconds, while also extending those dots with each tick. Perhaps increasing that damage based on the number of soul shards spent. Or perhaps requiring 5 shards to even cast, like glacial spike. And perhaps a separate cooldown or proc that made it an aoe, affecting nearby targets as well.

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Dread Touch already has this additional effect, and I’d frankly hate to see it baselined. Dread Touch already reduces the flexibility of MR quite a bit, replacing subtler nuances with just maintaining that extra meta-debuff, as you therefore face diminishing returns from wasting its duration. It takes one sort of mini-game that actually feels iconic and paints it over with a simpler and less synergetic one. That’s fine as a talent but shouldn’t be the baseline.

Moreover, I’d rather not lose MR itself as damage per DoT-instance/application. It greatly increases the interest of the DoTs themselves to optimize periods of overlap. If anything, it’d merely entice slightly better-fit contexts, such as per how the DoT durations sync up in casted series or improvements to the likes of Soul Swap, etc.

Please do not do that. That’d make it horribly inflexible.

You could avoid that inflexibility by going the Breath of Sindragosa / alt-MR route:
…but you’d still have the issue of just increasing the time spent on non-DoT builders. I’m not sure how more Shadowbolt spam and lower damage per GCD MR (in exchange for its lasting effect) would be more interesting than MR capitalizing on the individual DoTs for significant power each cast as an actually decent spender.

I really wish they had let players test and given at least 1 expac worth of time to the original 2 types of rapture design that was first announced in shadowlands alpha -

having both the Cleave Dot Spender and the single target Dot buff Channel style spender “aka maleifc grasp style” could have been allot of fun and bridged the player base better.

I know for me that Dread touch while being a maintence debuff that basically does something similair it doesnt feel the same to play.

I would have preffered a channel"grasp style dot buffs" for Single Target and the spam style we have now for 2-5 target cleave “MR with a target cap/diminishing damage past x amounts of targets” and Seed Spam(uncapped aoe) for 5+ Aoe.

also would like to see MR if stays the way it is to get dot capped to not get increased damage past x dots. and just have the baseline damage per increased to match. lowering the ramp required for M+ and allowing things like SL VS AC not be a conversation anymore. cause it would go over the cap anyways allot like the withering bolt talent does.

Either way I hope they do something cause its clear that most “not all” are just not happy with the way the spec is right now. I know im not happy with it.