How to get wrathgguard to Dual-wield

I notice randomly my wrath guard dual wields but what triggers it?


He shouldn’t be able too, ability was supposedly taken away as it caused dps balancing issues. If you can consistently cause it it’s probably a bug.

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It’s a glyph that no longer exists. If you can figure out what causes it let people know cause blizzard never managed to balance it and the dw version of felguard/wrathguard should still do more dps than the normal one.

He died and i re summoned him and he just had it

I’ll try re-creating the situation.


Hmm following because I want to know lol

That would actually be cool.

Don’t tell blizz… lol what am I kidding, blizz don’t read the forums.

I want mine to dual wield again! :sob:

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